#152 AppStream 1.X update
Closed: Completed 3 weeks ago by lkocman. Opened 2 months ago by lkocman.

Antonio raised an opportunity to update AppStream 1.O, as far as packages updated in SP6 go, not much is expected to be breaking.

However it seems that some older application could still depend on it and would have to be updated or dropped.


Tracker of packages incompatible with AppStream 1.X https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1217047

Quoting Fabian:
AppStream 1.x is incompatible with existing packages, so they will turn unresolvable or fail to build, unless they've been updated to support AppStream 1.x. That's because the cmake Module is no longer called make(AppStreamQt) but cmake(AppStreamQt5) and on top of that the API also changes. The packages were also renamed, which means due to the SP layering it's possible that packages which were not updated will still pull in AppStream < 1.0 from SP5, which is undesirable.

This is processed as part of GNOME 45 update on SLES 15 SP6 side https://jira.suse.com/browse/PED-5835

Just for completion, Mike Gorse already submitted the changes needed in SP6:

https://build.suse.de/request/show/323097 - appstream-glib
https://build.suse.de/request/show/323098 - AppStream
https://build.suse.de/request/show/323099 - libzypp-plugin-appdata
https://build.suse.de/request/show/323100 - gnome-software

I asked to put them in a separate staging project in order to test them.

Metadata Update from @lkocman:
- Custom field SUSE Jira - SUSE Linux Enterprise adjusted to https://jira.suse.com/browse/PED-5835

2 months ago

I tested some Backports packages [*] in https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:alarrosa:branches:openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP6:AppStream-1.0 and there are some that are failing to build but I only found two whose failure was related to the AppStream update:

  • On one hand, plasma5-workspace is left unresolvable since it uses: BuildRequires: (cmake(AppStreamQt5) >= 1.0.0 or cmake(AppStreamQt) < 1.0.0) which results in obs having two options. That happens because unlike in FaĆ„ory, here both old and new versions of AppStream are available (the old one from SLE and the new one from the home project where I built it). This can be fixed by adding: Prefer: -libAppStreamQt-devel to the prjconfig (or by removing the old package from the repository but I don't know if that's possible).

  • The polari package failed to build so I just submitted the latest version from Factory in https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1153940 . I tested that one works fine.

[*] I took the package list from the output of osc whatdependson openSUSE:Factory AppStream standard x86_64 and osc whatdependson openSUSE:Factory appstream-glib standard x86_64 and restricted that to the packages that are currently in any of the Backports:SLE-15* projects.

The remaining issue is that you won't notice if there is anything left silently building against the old appstream.

Yes flatpak is the case. We'll need to rebuild it. I already contacted Antonio.

This was merged in as part of the GNOME 45 update. See also https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1220947

Metadata Update from @lkocman:
- Issue close_status updated to: Completed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 weeks ago

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