#!/bin/bash set -e ## Note: ## To check if the k3s installation has been finished ## issue the "systemctl status k3sinstall.service" command. ## To finish the installation you must reboot! ## Once booted you can check the node with: ## "kubectl get nodes" ## For more check out: ## "https://documentation.suse.com/trd/kubernetes/pdf/kubernetes_ri_k3s-slemicro_color_en.pdf" ## Enable network # combustion: network ## Post output on stdout exec > >(exec tee -a /dev/tty0) 2>&1 ## Add password for root user ## SUSE documentation recommends openssl passwd -6, mkpasswd --method=sha-512 works as well ## The default password that is set here is: linux ROOT_USER_PASSWORD='$6$NWOL.CUVsuDtWZhb$rs8JeaNfx/ZL.OvQPYugAbXAUA67va.geqLa96zNo8no/PqxvFDICB.Gb2BFlIZoTx095qHSkRevKIyy1/AKj.' SSH_ROOT_PUBLIC_KEY=ssh_key.pub SSH_USER_PUBLIC_KEY=ssh_key.pub USER_REQUIRED_PACKAGES='patterns-microos-cockpit cockpit bash-completion' CREATE_NORMAL_USER=user ## Add the username here to create a user, leave empty to skip creating one NORMAL_USER_PASSWORD='$6$NWOL.CUVsuDtWZhb$rs8JeaNfx/ZL.OvQPYugAbXAUA67va.geqLa96zNo8no/PqxvFDICB.Gb2BFlIZoTx095qHSkRevKIyy1/AKj.' ## K3s configuration ## You can set the Kubernetes version to be installed by setting INSTALL_K3S_VERSION in the [service] below ## the following way: Environment="INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=$[Version of K3s to download from Github]" ## Will attempt to download from the stable channel if not specified. INSTALL_K3S_UPSTREAM=true ## Set to false if you want to use the openSUSE rpm, also add the package name to USER_REQUIRED_PACKAGES MASTER_NODE_ADDR='' ## The ip or FQDN of the first node MASTER_NODE_K3S_TOKEN='K106bcc041130fd90b367680868839a458aae9b6f1b2deee6e2308a3ff330bd4b51::server:fda85366efe11d4c31b4bfdccedc2994' ## You can find this on the master/CP node: /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token NODE_HOSTNAME="tanis02" ## If you want to add additional nodes to a cluster you must set the hostname or nodes will not be able to join ## Set hostname echo $NODE_HOSTNAME > /etc/hostname ## Mount /var and /home so user can be created smoothly if [ "$CREATE_NORMAL_USER" ] then mount /var && mount /home fi ## Set root password echo root:$ROOT_USER_PASSWORD | chpasswd -e ## Add ssh public key as authorized key for the root user mkdir -pm700 /root/.ssh/ cat $SSH_ROOT_PUBLIC_KEY >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ## User creation if [ "$CREATE_NORMAL_USER" ] then echo "User creation is requested, creating user." useradd -m $CREATE_NORMAL_USER -s /bin/bash -g users echo $CREATE_NORMAL_USER:$NORMAL_USER_PASSWORD | chpasswd -e echo $CREATE_NORMAL_USER "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/adminusers mkdir -pm700 /home/$CREATE_NORMAL_USER/.ssh/ chown -R $CREATE_NORMAL_USER:users /home/$CREATE_NORMAL_USER/.ssh/ cat $SSH_USER_PUBLIC_KEY >> /home/$CREATE_NORMAL_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys echo "Requested user has been created, requested password has been set." else echo "No user will be created" fi ## Install required packages if [ "$USER_REQUIRED_PACKAGES" ] then zypper ref && zypper --non-interactive install $USER_REQUIRED_PACKAGES fi if $INSTALL_K3S_UPSTREAM; then ## Download and install the latest k3s installer curl -L --output k3s_installer.sh https://get.k3s.io && install -m755 k3s_installer.sh /usr/bin/ ## Create a systemd unit that installs k3s if not installed yet cat <<-EOF > /etc/systemd/system/install-rancher-k3s-worker.service [Unit] Description=Run K3s installer Wants=network-online.target After=network.target network-online.target ConditionPathExists=/usr/bin/k3s_installer.sh ConditionPathExists=!/usr/local/bin/k3s [Service] Type=forking TimeoutStartSec=120 Environment="K3S_URL=https://$MASTER_NODE_ADDR:6443" Environment="K3S_TOKEN=$MASTER_NODE_K3S_TOKEN" Environment="K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE=644" ExecStart=/usr/bin/k3s_installer.sh RemainAfterExit=yes KillMode=process [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF fi ## Enable services systemctl enable cockpit.socket systemctl enable sshd systemctl enable install-rancher-k3s-worker.service ## Unmount var and home if [ "$CREATE_NORMAL_USER" ] then umount /var && umount /home fi echo "Configured with Combustion" > /etc/issue.d/combustion