Blame aalib.spec

Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
# spec file for package aalib
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
# Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
Adrian Schröter f12995
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
Adrian Schröter f12995
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
Adrian Schröter f12995
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
Adrian Schröter f12995
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
Adrian Schröter f12995
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
Adrian Schröter f12995
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
Adrian Schröter f12995
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Name:           aalib
Adrian Schröter f12995
%define lname	libaa1
Adrian Schröter f12995
BuildRequires:  libtool
Adrian Schröter f12995
BuildRequires:  ncurses-devel
Adrian Schröter f12995
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(x11)
Adrian Schröter f12995
%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1130
Adrian Schröter f12995
BuildRequires:  gpm-devel
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
BuildRequires:  gpm
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
# bug437293
Adrian Schröter f12995
%ifarch ppc64
Adrian Schröter f12995
Obsoletes:      aalib-64bit
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Version:        1.4.0
Adrian Schröter f12995
Release:        0
Adrian Schröter f12995
Summary:        An ASCII Art Library
Adrian Schröter f12995
License:        GPL-2.0-or-later
Adrian Schröter f12995
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Adrian Schröter 6caf11
#!RemoteAsset: sha256:fbddda9230cf6ee2a4f5706b4b11e2190ae45f5eda1f0409dc4f99b35e0a70ee
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter 6caf11
#!RemoteAsset: sha256:f3a21a19f5e4fa13774e8ff42e7febebe7c6562a28ff1f2855ba1da4f3f2739b
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter 6caf11
#!RemoteAsset: sha256:42d61c4194e8b9b69a881fdde698c83cb27d7eda59e08b300e73aaa34474ec99
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Source3:        baselibs.conf
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch1:         fix_gpm_fd_handling.diff
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch2:         aavga.dif
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch3:         aalib-1.4.0.dif
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch4:         aview-1.3.0.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch5:         aview-1.3.0-tmpvuln.diff
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch6:         aalib-distint.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch7:         aview-signed-char.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch8:         aview-includes.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch9:         aalib-includes.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch10:        aalib-reentrant.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch11:        aalib-1.4.0-config.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch12:        aalib-1.4.0-fdleak.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
Patch13:        aalib-ncurses-6.0-accessors.patch
Adrian Schröter f12995
PreReq:         %install_info_prereq
Adrian Schröter f12995
BuildRequires:  fdupes
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
AA-lib is a low level gfx library. AA-lib does not require a graphics
Adrian Schröter f12995
device. In fact, there is no graphical output possible. AA-lib replaces
Adrian Schröter f12995
old-fashioned output methods with a powerful ASCII art renderer.
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%package -n %lname
Adrian Schröter f12995
Summary:        An ASCII Art Library
Adrian Schröter f12995
Group:          System/Libraries
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%description -n %lname
Adrian Schröter f12995
AA-lib is a low level gfx library. AA-lib does not require a graphics
Adrian Schröter f12995
device. In fact, there is no graphical output possible. AA-lib replaces
Adrian Schröter f12995
old-fashioned output methods with a powerful ASCII art renderer.
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%package devel
Adrian Schröter f12995
Summary:        Development Package for AAlib
Adrian Schröter f12995
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Adrian Schröter f12995
# bug437293
Adrian Schröter f12995
%ifarch ppc64
Adrian Schröter f12995
Obsoletes:      aalib-devel-64bit
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Requires:       %lname = %version
Adrian Schröter f12995
Requires:       glibc-devel
Adrian Schröter f12995
Obsoletes:      aalibdev
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%description devel
Adrian Schröter f12995
Files needed for developing software that uses AAlib.
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%setup -q -a 1 -b 2
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%patch13 -p1
Adrian Schröter f12995
cd aavga-1.0
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
cd ../../aview-*
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
cd ..
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
autoreconf -fiv
Adrian Schröter f12995
export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fstrength-reduce -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer"
Adrian Schröter f12995
%ifarch %ix86
Adrian Schröter f12995
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -falign-loops=2 -falign-jumps=2 -falign-functions=2"
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%configure --disable-static --with-slang-driver=no --with-ncurses
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
Adrian Schröter f12995
cp -av ANNOUNCE AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL NEWS README %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
Adrian Schröter f12995
cd ../aview-1.3.0
Adrian Schröter f12995
PATH=%{buildroot}/%{_bindir}:$PATH \
Adrian Schröter f12995
   CFLAGS="%{optflags} -I%{buildroot}/usr/include" \
Adrian Schröter f12995
   LDFLAGS="-L%{buildroot}/%{_libdir}" \
Adrian Schröter f12995
   LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{buildroot}/%{_libdir}" \
Adrian Schröter f12995
   ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=%{_mandir}
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/aview
Adrian Schröter f12995
cp -av README* ANNOUNCE COPYING TODO *.lsm %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/aview
Adrian Schröter f12995
cd -
Adrian Schröter f12995
cd aavga-1.0
Adrian Schröter f12995
make CFLAGS="%{optflags}"
Adrian Schröter f12995
cp -av %{buildroot}/%_libdir
Adrian Schröter f12995
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/aavga
Adrian Schröter f12995
cp -av aavga.lsm COPYING README %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/aavga
Adrian Schröter f12995
cd ..
Adrian Schröter f12995
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.la
Adrian Schröter f12995
%fdupes %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%install_info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/%{name}.info.gz
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%install_info_delete --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/%{name}.info.gz
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%post -n %lname -p /sbin/ldconfig
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%postun -n %lname -p /sbin/ldconfig
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%docdir %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
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Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
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Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%files -n %lname
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
%files devel
Adrian Schröter f12995
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Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995
Adrian Schröter f12995