#25 Teams and Sharing/Communications
Closed: Resolved 3 years ago by simotek. Opened 3 years ago by GeraldPfeifer.

openSUSE features several teams, of course the board, but also many others.

On the board we have been working to increase transparency and open up
communications, including making our bi-weekly meetings public.

On and off this board and the previous also discussed how to possibly
encourage other teams to share a bit (more), represent themselves on
Wiki (or similar) and be open to reach out/join.

Great idea. Ideally:
- every active team makes itself discoverable by registering to a list where it maintains:
- a reference to its own "outside facing" communication channel, i.e. hub/chat/group
- a brief HOWTO for fast onboarding
- a short TODO explaining their plans for the upcoming weeks/months
- a short DONE explaining what they have done recently so that newcomers can better understand the team's trajectory.

Metadata Update from @simotek:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

3 years ago

Ongoing process to encourage all teams to work in this area.

Metadata Update from @simotek:
- Issue close_status updated to: Resolved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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