README.SuSE for nagios-nrpe =========================== = New place for nrpe.cfg = To allow the use of either Icinga or Nagios, the nrpe.cfg is now located in /etc/ directly. If you make use of the include_dir directive, please use the new directory /etc/nrpe.d/ for this. = Package rename = The packages - nagios-nrpe-client - nagios-nrpe-server are marked as obsolete. While seeing the client/server pkg normal user would be misled to install which package where. When seeing "server" package you're thinking about a server-daemon and when seeing "client" you're thinking client which is talking with the server (NRPE). But it was just the other way round. :( Now: - nrpe (obsoletes nagios-nrpe-client) and provides the NRPE daemon which should be installed on the remote box which should be monitored. - nagios-plugins-nrpe (obsoletes nagios-nrpe-server) and provides "check_nrpe" which should be installed on the server hosting nagios. - nrpe-doc contains documentation and can be installed where ever you want = Firewall = The nrpe package ships with a special file for the SuSEfirewall2, that allows you to open the port via the YaST firewall module or by adding simply 'nrpe' in the according FW_CONFIGURATIONS_* variable in: /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 Example: FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT="sshd nrpe" will open the standard ports for SSH and NRPE on the external interface. = Apparmor and nrpe = You can find a working apparmor profile for /usr/sbin/nrpe right beside this README.SUSE file. Please note that this (usr.sbin.nrpe) file has an include for local changes. If you want to activate Apparmor protection for your nrpe binary, please copy the usr.sbin.nrpe file together with the file in the local/-subdirectory to the Apparmor configuration directory: ~# cp /usr/share/doc/packages/nrpe/usr.sbin.nrpe /etc/apparmor.d/ ~# cp /usr/share/doc/packages/nrpe/local/usr.sbin.nrpe /etc/apparmor.d/local/ after that, please reload Apparmor and restart your NRPE daemon: ~# rcapparmor reload ~# rcnrpe try-restart Please remember that checks, that should be executed by NRPE, need an entry in /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.nrpe - you can already find some examples in the /usr/share/doc/packages/nrpe/usr.sbin.nrpe file. If you encounter problems with the Apparmor profile, do not hesitate to open a bugreport at You can debug your Apparmor profile by installing and activating auditd and (after a restart of Apparmor and auditd) look into the log at: /var/log/audit/audit.log ----- Have a lot of fun!