1. Install the postgresql server and configure it. If you already have a postgresql instance you can skip this step. First, we have to install the postgresql server with: sudo zypper in postgresql-server Then we start the server: sudo systemctl start postgresql And then we have to add login credentials for the user postgres with: sudo -u postgres psql postgres This will open the psql client where you have to type: \password postgres It will ask for the password and then once again to confirm it. You can exit psql by typing '\q' Now we'll make sure postgresql allows users to login by asking for the password. Edit the /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file as root and replace the "ident" authentication method by "md5", like this: host all all md5 host all all ::1/128 md5 Of course, if users need to log in from other hosts, use the proper network masks. Now, let's restart the server so the new configuration is used: sudo systemctl restart postgresql 2. Start pgAdmin4 ("Management tool for PostgreSQL (pgAdmin 4)") which you can find in the Office menu in your desktop. This will open pgadmin4 in your default browser and an icon in your system tray which can be used to open more windows or shut pgadmin down. 3. In pgAdmin, click on "Add New Server" . Set a name for the server connection, go to the "Connection" tab and set the connection information . If you're using a postgresql instance in the same host, you can use: Hostname: localhost Password: the password of the postgres user. Click on "Save" to store the new server configuration. 4. The server should appear in the left pane. 5. Note that if you want pgadmin4 to support cloud deployment, you need to install the pgadmin4-cloud package