Quick intro ----------- This package allows the conversion of TTF fonts to Postscript Type 1 (pfa or pfb) fonts. There is a script, which automatically converts all fonts found in a directory, writes the PS fonts into another directory and automatically creates the X11 managemant files fonts.scale and updates ghostscripts font list. If you want to use it, go to /usr/share/ttf2pt1 and configure convert.cfg accordingly. Make sure the ouput path exists. Now call ./convert Depending on the number of fonts etc. it will take some minutes. Now you can add the output dir to the X11 path. To test the fonts, use xset +fp to add the new font directory and use xfontsel to have a look at the fonts. If everything works, you can add this directory permanently by editing /etc/XF86Config. If your lucky, everything works as described here. If not, you have to read the rest of the docu in this dir. Your SUSE Team.