21d6ff Update nginx to version 1.23.0 / rev 75 via SR 984278

10 files Authored by 13ilya 2 years ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2 years ago,
    Update nginx to version 1.23.0 / rev 75 via SR 984278
    by user 13ilya + dimstar_suse
    - Changed nginx.keyring to Konstantin Pavlov’s PGP public key.
    - Removed nginx.init.
    - Updated to 1.23.0
      * https://nginx.org/en/CHANGES
      * Now header lines are represented as linked lists.
      * Now nginx combines arbitrary header lines with identical
        names when sending to FastCGI, SCGI, and uwsgi backends, in the
        $r->header_in() method of the ngx_http_perl_module, and during lookup
        of the "$http_...", "$sent_http_...", "$sent_trailer_...",
        "$upstream_http_...", and "$upstream_trailer_..." variables.
      * Fixed: if there were multiple "Vary" header lines in the backend
        response, nginx only used the last of them when caching.
      * Fixed: if there were multiple "WWW-Authenticate" header lines in the
        backend response and errors with code 401 were intercepted or the
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