2c7927 Update pkTriggerCord to version 0.85.00+git.20220806 / rev 6 via SR 1043724

12 files Authored by jirislaby a year ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann a year ago,
    Update pkTriggerCord to version 0.85.00+git.20220806 / rev 6 via SR 1043724
    by user jirislaby + dimstar_suse
    - Update to version 0.85.00+git.20220806:
      * handle retval of write()
      * Makefile: remove external target
      * comment out dangerous setting
    - remove (they are upstream)
      * 0001-Makefile-remove-external-target.patch
      * 0001-comment-out-dangerous-setting.patch
      * 0001-handle-retval-of-write.patch
    - Update to version v0.85.00+git.20220716:
      * Testing K-3III support
      * Fixed function name plsr_set_expose_compensation -> pslr Fixed a few sign-unsigned comparison issues
      * Allow specifying filename counter start in CLI
      * Introducing pslr_utils
      * Fixing mistakenly renamed function
      * Enhance logging
      * Method renames as preparation for libpktriggercord
      * Added set_aperture to servermode ( #66 )
    - switch to obs_scm
    - add
      * 0001-comment-out-dangerous-setting.patch
      * 0001-handle-
file modified
+29 -0