7509f0 Update yazi to version 0.2.5 / rev 4 via SR 1170288

11 files Authored by xtexChooser 2 weeks ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2 weeks ago,
    Update yazi to version 0.2.5 / rev 4 via SR 1170288
    by user xtexChooser + anag+factory
    - Update to version 0.2.5:
      * chore: bump version to 0.2.5
      * feat: new builtin `session.lua` plugin (#940)
      * feat: split `ya send` into `ya pub` and `ya pub-static` to make it more ergonomic (#933)
      * perf: cache each file's icon to avoid redundant calculations at rendering (#931)
      * feat: preserve files' modified at timestamp while copying (#926)
      * fix: prevent pasting a directory into itself (#925)
      * feat: change status bar percent at 100 to Bot (#930)
      * fix: always persist static messages even when there are no remote clients (#928)
      * feat: expand the types supported by the event system (#923)
      * fix: rollback ratatui to v0.26.1 to avoid panicking (#922)
      * feat: allow opening interactively with the `--chosen-file` flag (#920)
      * feat: generate autocomplete script for `
file modified
+0 -0
file modified
+37 -0
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+61 -0
file modified
+3 -3
file modified
+1 -1