aa670c Update apptainer to version 1.1.0 / rev 5 via SR 998138

9 files Authored by mslacken 2 years ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2 years ago,
    Update apptainer to version 1.1.0 / rev 5 via SR 998138
    by user mslacken + dimstar_suse
    - Udpated to version 1.1.0-rc2 with following changes:
      * Fixed longstanding bug in the underlay logic when there are nested bind
        points separated by more than one path level, for example /var and
        /var/lib/yum, and the path didn't exist in the container image. The bug
        only caused an error when there was a directory in the container image that
        didn't exist on the host.
      * Improved wildcard matching in the %files directive of build definition
        files by replacing usage of sh with the mvdan.cc library.
      * Replaced checks for compatible filesystem types when using fuse-overlayfs
        with an INFO message when an incompatible filesystem type causes it to be
        unwritable by a fakeroot user.
      * The --nvccli option now works without --fakeroot. In that case the option
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