b6b7cf Update helm to version 3.10.0 / rev 42 via SR 1005633

10 files Authored by dirkmueller 2 years ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2 years ago,
    Update helm to version 3.10.0 / rev 42 via SR 1005633
    by user dirkmueller + dimstar_suse
    - Update to version 3.10.0:
      * bump version to v3.10.0
      * Updating to Kubernetes 1.25 client libs
      * Updating the certificates used for testing
      * Updating index handling
      * Drop direct github.com/docker/docker dependency
      * fix special string in the filename
      * chore: add oci install description
      * Fixing x509 test on darwin
      * Bump k8s.io/kube-openapi to fix CVE-2022-1996 in github.com/emicklei/go-restful
      * fixes #11142 missing array length check on release
      * chore(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.5 to 1.8.0
      * Upgrading to Kubernetes 1.24.2
      * Bump Oras to 1.2.0
      * fix: use `go install` instead of `go get`
      * bump Go 1.18
      * fix: improve logging & safety of statefulSetReady
      * make token caching an opt in feature
      * chore(deps): bump github.com/stretch
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