df8a15188606399cf119b6ab5ea3e939 3.3.7 dimstar_suse Yet another RSS/ATOM reader (2nd attempt). 452169 a3f90b84b849e03dc4ad7cf3ce6a184c 3.4.0 dimstar_suse 1 479020 b3b7ec649fd304590f201ce692e8e71b 3.4.1 maxlin_factory 1 510076 731e230758d2bb5ff9eebf88a40b64db 3.4.2 dimstar_suse - Update to version 3.4.2 * All (well, almost all) web-engine attributes can be disabled/enabled, including JS/plugins. (#57) * Some minor tweaks/fixes. * New Ad-Block feature for internal web browser. Based on Qt examples and QupZilla. Original license GNU GPLv3 is retained. (#123) 521664 e1e345a7b65acb0834589d4e57a4cfd7 3.5.0 dimstar_suse 1 532980 61ec34d74b8be84f7e60e0d19906bac3 3.5.4 dimstar_suse - Added AGPL-3.0+ license for QOAuth sources - Update to version 3.5.4 Fixed: * First item in itemviews is now selected when focus is gained. (#142) * Some feed files do not have URLs of messages properly sanitized. Strip "\n" and "\t" from URls. (bug #154) - Update to version 3.5.2 (no changelog supplied) - Added rssguard-3.5.2-fix_no_return_nonvoid.patch - Update to version 3.5.1 * Font size of message/feed list can now be changed. (#145) * Inoreader plugin can mark messages starred and accounts can be deleted. * All cached online service data are synchronously saved when any feed is updated. 539505 7f439a4ade77d6712077ffac0389feec 3.5.5 dimstar_suse 542960 e4026bf2918268b767f2a81da1feea0f 3.5.6 dimstar_suse 580171 a1867b57ea8ad95ce300a727d6202763 3.5.7 dimstar_suse 691455 95f439110c0049c044c65a004a639043 3.5.8 dimstar_suse 706612 2feb83b1267366beeca938a5cd1d29e2 3.5.9 dimstar_suse 707616 13c08d1c7b2f652fd5ea0f89748e74b8 3.5.9 dimstar_suse - Add rssguard-3.5.9-Qt59.patch to fix build on Leap 708101 563990fe19b74c8c7c4233d369934742 3.5.9 dimstar_suse 728583 47963d83468d49a54977eaf1e2f55ead 3.6.0 dimstar_suse - Update to version 3.6.0 Added: * UK, GL translation and some other localizations. * Executable is now separated from library, making it possible to write external plugins for RSS Guard and distribute them separately as dll/lib/so/dylib file. * Fetch some M-RSS metadata when downloading RSS feeds. * Ability to postpone updates if main window is visible. * Switchable monochrome tray icons. * Default system icon theme is now default for RSS Guard on all platforms. * QtWebEngine-based RSS Guard variant now should respect web proxy set in settings. Fixed/changed: * Feeds.url attribute in MySQL storage now has <=1000 length. * Message viewer now responds to "zoom" action via mouse wheel + CTRL key and persistently saves the zoom level fixing the problem with small text in HIDPI screens. * Minimum Qt version is now 5.9.0. * Translations synced with newest strings. * TT-RSS: Saving of message states now works (read/unread/important). * Many code cleanups, refactorings and regressions fixed. * Tray icon now shows correct number of unread messages upon app startup. * Many fixes for build scripts for dev builds. - Refreshed rssguard-3.5.2-fix_no_return_nonvoid.patch as rssguard-3.6.0-fix_no_return_nonvoid.patch - Dropped rssguard-3.5.9-Qt59.patch (merged upstream) - Added rssguard-3.6.0-add_library_version.patch - Dropped Group tag 799702 d4aea7b0f9ca222f8e6f66765cb0d645 3.6.1 dimstar_suse 800967 c13723ab0d6f9a9cfc7c6590bea60c53 3.6.3 dimstar_suse 811103 cacf781318f9276dc7a01916df9ecfc9 3.7.0 dimstar_suse 820697 b907b98b0617abb0d199f52023f38f11 3.7.1 dimstar_suse 829554 dcc07d82e9f87e60eedcf97f782b16f1 3.7.2 dimstar_suse - Update to version 3.7.2 Added: * Parent item/folder in add category/feed dialog is now correctly preselected according to current feed's list selection. * Icons of parent item/folder are now correctly displayed in add feed/category dialogs. * Ability to update only feeds with custom auto-update policy set. * Enhanced feed's list context menus, now displays "Add feed/category here". Fixed/changed: * Fixed build on ARM machines. - Dropped fix-mimesis-for-arm.patch (merged upstream) - Fix build on %arm and aarch64: * fix-mimesis-for-arm.patch 831119 95d9a8bb67b2f6fedc2a8e2dedc59e5c 3.8.0 dimstar_suse 847496 12212f2f5009d6b17ccbc51865eba9ae 3.8.1 dimstar_suse 849692 c8068af90cbc6bcded4b59d420437af0 3.8.2 dimstar_suse 849857 9b5fb8339a25612750dd36b53122542b 3.8.3 dimstar_suse 851821 c5f5b5597c410a5a01e863889c29fc3d 3.8.4 dimstar_suse 860498 4020d84ec60daf2c0737cd826c3fe32f 3.9.0 RBrownSUSE 874912 491b3445c1918438983bec6a0650f41e 3.9.1 RBrownSUSE - Update to version 3.9.1 Fixed/changed: * Properly accept all HTTP redirections, this was regression and is now fixed. * Fix repeated overwriting of messages due to bad UTC/localtime article timezone handling. * Alternating list background colors are now better suited for foreground text visibility. * Re-gaining focus after external browser was opened is now optional. * Small fixes for "Message filters" dialog. * Fixed windows hiding problem when tray icon is enabled. * Better favicon downloading strategy which works much much better than previous one. 883278 aec15a72585aa91a75f2ada812c090d4 3.9.2 dimstar_suse 884631 8f523291ba9b7bdf4e71313d1a3ba5f9 4.0.1 dimstar_suse 916734 b0d36d8aafff3e8b7992058ca0932f0e 4.0.2 dimstar_suse 917546 d3f04a8eb4c1805634d1ddad82e30797 4.0.3 dimstar_suse 921221 d73b8290c736f22aed93596093b420d1 4.0.4 dimstar_suse 925435 9546420db74f2358440339174353b3d1 4.1.1 dimstar_suse 944811 fdc3939aafe0df393c37a817a3d25ef2 4.1.2 dimstar_suse - Update to version 4.1.2 Fixed: * Make webengine cookies synchronization one-way because it was crashing in some instances. This is likely temporary fix. * Fixed RSS Guard crashing when using MariaDB backend. Problem was in buggy runtime generation of DDL SQL scripts. * Expanding/collapsing of categories is now EVEN MORE properly persistent and behaves more correctly when filtering feed list in some way. - Add rssguard-4.1.2-Qt512.patch 945872 4b6629ddeea67e2411047be69985304c 4.2.0 dimstar_suse 964096 d88485183af027e903f65c7e838922ed 4.2.1 dimstar_suse 964265 18a4e81f542fc5857c0c8f76d992e684 4.2.1 dimstar_suse - Recommend nodejs and npm (fixes boo#1197561) 966389 c1816dfdcd8042fec482bfb629f9d867 4.2.2 dimstar_suse 979126 e4f933f06ab0b8076451d46f8d058e46 4.2.3 dimstar_suse 980986 69af7c2018e5a821dc324c20aaa05646 4.2.5 dimstar_suse 1037359 80253687f0402f946aa2cebfaab00aec 4.3.2 dimstar_suse 1064496