Theo Chatzimichos 627070
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  city: nuremberg
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  country: de
Theo Chatzimichos bbcee7
Theo Chatzimichos bbcee7
    - bugbot
Christian Boltz b3e92e
    # bugbot writes IRC meeting logs to community.o.o/meetings/
Christian Boltz 496934
    # community.o.o/ebooks/ has some historical ebooks
Christian Boltz b3e92e
    - community.o.o
Theo Chatzimichos bbcee7
    - doc.o.o
Christian Boltz 8fcb22
  reboot_safe: unknown
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  salt_cluster: opensuse
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  virt_cluster: atreju
Christian Boltz 780cb4
Christian Boltz 780cb4
  aliases: []
Christian Boltz 780cb4
  description: Several old services (see hostusage) that need to be migrated to new VMs
Christian Boltz 780cb4
  documentation: []
Christian Boltz 780cb4
  responsible: []
Christian Boltz 780cb4
  partners: []
Christian Boltz 780cb4
Christian Boltz 780cb4
Christian Boltz 780cb4