Theo Chatzimichos 627070
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  city: nuremberg
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  country: de
Theo Chatzimichos bbcee7
Theo Chatzimichos 886f4a
    - events.o.o
Henne Vogelsang dff887
Henne Vogelsang dff887
    - web_osem
Christian Boltz e3fddc
  reboot_safe: yes
Christian Boltz e3fddc
  # Henne created zypper locks for ruby2.5 because a version change breaks osem (needs a Gemfile update when the version changes)
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  salt_cluster: opensuse
Theo Chatzimichos 627070
  virt_cluster: atreju
Christian Boltz 2cd489
Christian Boltz 2cd489
  aliases: []
Christian Boltz 2cd489
  description: Conference website and management
Karol Babioch 47377a
  documentation: []
Christian Boltz 2cd489
  responsible: []
Christian Boltz 2cd489
  partners: []
Christian Boltz 2cd489
Christian Boltz 2cd489