Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - pkgs:
Christian Boltz 466eca
      - apache2-mod_apparmor
Christian Boltz 466eca
      - apache2-prefork
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - enable: True
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - listen_in:
Christian Boltz 466eca
      - service: apache2
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - source: salt://profile/countdown/files/apache-vhost.conf
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - template: jinja
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - name: /etc/sysconfig/apache2
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - pattern: ^APACHE_MODULES=.*$
Christian Boltz 466eca
    # original line:       "actions alias          auth_basic authn_file authz_host authz_groupfile authz_core authz_user autoindex cgi dir env expires include log_config mime negotiation setenvif ssl socache_shmcb userdir reqtimeout authn_core php7 rewrite"
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - repl: APACHE_MODULES="        alias apparmor auth_basic authn_file authz_host authz_groupfile authz_core authz_user autoindex     dir env expires include log_config mime negotiation setenvif     socache_shmcb         reqtimeout authn_core      rewrite remoteip status"
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - listen_in:
Christian Boltz 466eca
      - service: apache2
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    # same file as used for the wikis, no need to duplicate it
Christian Boltz 466eca
    - source: salt://profile/wiki/files/apache2-wiki.logrotate