Christian Boltz 466eca
<VirtualHost *:80>
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    UseCanonicalName Off
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    AADefaultHatName vhost_countdown
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    DocumentRoot /srv/www/
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    <Directory /srv/www/>
Christian Boltz 466eca
        Require all granted
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
        Options +FollowSymlinks
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    <Location />
Christian Boltz 466eca
        Options Multiviews FollowSymLinks IncludesNoExec
Christian Boltz 466eca
        DirectoryIndex medium
Christian Boltz 6a6915
Christian Boltz 6a6915
Christian Boltz 6a6915
    # Use language detection only if "whatever.png" gets requested, but not if "whatever.xy.png" gets requested.
Christian Boltz 6a6915
    # This ensures that "whatever.xy.png" always gets delivered, even if it doesn't match the browser's Accept-Language header.
Christian Boltz 6a6915
    <LocationMatch ^/[^.]*\.png$>
Christian Boltz 466eca
        LanguagePriority en
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
        {% for lang in pillar['profile']['countdown']['languages']|sort %}
Christian Boltz 466eca
        AddLanguage {{lang}} .{{lang}}.png
Christian Boltz 466eca
        {%- endfor %}
Christian Boltz 6a6915
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RewriteEngine on
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RewriteRule ^(.+)\.png/?$ $1
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RewriteRule ^/?((small|medium|large|wide)-nolabel)/?$ /$1 [PT]
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RewriteRule ^/?((small|medium|large|wide)-label)/?$ /$1 [PT]
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RewriteRule ^/?(|small|medium|large|wide)/?$ /$1 [PT]
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RedirectTemp /goto/{{ pillar['profile']['countdown']['redirect_target'] }}?pk_campaign=counter
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RedirectTemp /link/{{ pillar['profile']['countdown']['redirect_target'] }}?pk_campaign=counter
Christian Boltz 466eca
    RedirectTemp /redirect/{{ pillar['profile']['countdown']['redirect_target'] }}?pk_campaign=counter
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" \"%{X-Forwarded-For}i\"" combinedproxy
Christian Boltz 466eca
    CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/countdown-access_log" combinedproxy
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
Christian Boltz 466eca
# vim:ft=apache