Olav Reinert c94236
# vBulletin 5 Setup for openSUSE Forums
Olav Reinert c94236
Brief setup instructions:
 1. Prepare the binaries as instructed in [init.sls](init.sls).
 1. ``salt-call state.apply grains``
 1. ``salt-call state.apply pillar='{"vbulletin":{"tools":"yes"}}'``
 1. ``cd /srv/www/vhosts/forums/``
 1. ``(cd htdocs/core/install; sudo -u nginx php -f upgrade.php)``
 1. `` mysql webforums 
 1. ``(cd htdocs/core/install; sudo -u nginx php -f upgrade.php)``
 1. ``salt-call state.apply``
## vBulletin setup tools
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If the pillar ``vbulletin.tools`` is truthy, the extra files described below
are available to aid with setup of vBulletin.
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**It is important to disable the ``vbulletin.tools`` pillar and running
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``highstate`` again to remove the files before production use.**
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### ``/srv/www/vhosts/forums/db-tweak.sql``
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Running this SQL script on the vBulletin database will:
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  * Set up the correct grants for the database user.
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  * Define the site URL correctly for template setup
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  * Adjust various other vBulletin settings
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After running the script, run ``core/install/upgrade.php`` again to make sure
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the templates are set up correctly.
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### ``/srv/www/vhosts/forums/htdocs/vb_test.php``
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A tool for checking that vBulletin is installed correctly, including all
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dependencies, as well as verifying that it is possible to connect to the
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### ``/srv/www/vhosts/forums/htdocs/info.php``
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Shows ``phpinfo()`` for the forum server.
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## Styling
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These steps achieve a minimal styling suitable for openSUSE Forums.
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Enable the _Default vB5 Style_, then customize these style variables:
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 * ``global_palette_accent_02`` = #73ba25
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 * ``global_palette_text_04`` = #5a911d
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Finally, change the [site logo](files/logo-color-90.png).
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