Infrastructure pillar

This pillar directory manages virtual machine and network resources as well as parts of the virtualization clusters hosting them.


This is to configure virtual machines and their network connectivity.

Example, values enclosed in < > are to be substituted:

<hostname>:                       # short hostname, will turn into <hostname>
  cluster: <cluster>              # hypervisor cluster, needs to exist in clusters.yaml
  ram: 1024MB                     # memory, currently requires MB for min/max calculations (minimum should be 1024MB)
  vcpu: 1                         # CPU cores


    # all possible interface options
    <interface name>:             # interface name inside the VM - should be "eth0" if there is only one
      type: <interface tye>       # "direct" (MacVTap) by default, "bridge" is possible for legacy bridges
      mode: <interface mode>      # "bridge" by default, "private" or "vepa" possible for the future
      source: <interface name>    # interface on the hypervisor to link with
      mac: '<MAC address>'        # unique MAC address for use inside the VM
      ip4: <IPv4 address>/<CIDR>  # IPv4 address
      ip6: <IPv6 address/<prefix> # IPv6 address

    # generic example for everyday VM's
      source: x-os-internal       # usually the name of a VLAN interface on the hypervisor
      mac: 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:fb'    # a unique MAC address - maybe we will add a script to generate one
      ip4:           # a free IPv4 address in said VLAN
      ip6: 2001:db8::b/32         # a free IPv6 address in said VLAN


    # every VM should have at least a "root" disk
    root: 15G

    # further disks should be named "data$i"
    data0: 20G

  # the base OS image to apply - the "admin-minimal-xx_x" images should link to the latest build
  image: admin-minimal-15_5