include: {% if salt['grains.get']('include_secrets', True) %} - secrets.role.discourse {% endif %} - role.common.nginx profile: postfix: maincf: inet_interfaces: all smtputf8_enable: 'no' compatibility_level: 2 export_environment: 'TZ LANG' append_dot_mydomain: 'no' mydestination: localhost mynetworks: ' [::1]/128 [fe80::]/64' transport_maps: lmdb:/etc/postfix/transport smtpd_recipient_restrictions: permit_mynetworks, check_policy_service unix:private/policy mastercf: discourse: unix - n n - - pipe user=nobody:nogroup argv=/usr/bin/receive-mail ${recipient} policy: unix - n n - - spawn user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/discourse-smtp-fast-rejection aliases: discourse: root # We need to set up transport map with `$domain discourse:` line for every domain discourse: database_user: discourse database_name: discourse database_host: hostname: smtp_domain: # secret_key, maxmind and db password live in secrets/role/discourse.sls nginx: ng: config: - load_module: /usr/lib64/nginx/modules/ - load_module: /usr/lib64/nginx/modules/ servers: managed: config: - upstream discourse: - server: 'unix:/srv/www/vhosts/discourse/tmp/sockets/puma.sock' - types: - text/csv: csv - application/wasm: wasm - proxy_cache_path: /var/lib/nginx/cache/ inactive=1440m levels=1:2 keys_zone=one:10m max_size=600m - proxy_buffer_size: 8k - map $http_x_forwarded_proto $thescheme: - default: $scheme - https: https - log_format: log_discourse '[$time_local] "$http_host" $remote_addr "$request" "$http_user_agent" "$sent_http_x_discourse_route" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" $upstream_response_time $request_time "$upstream_http_x_discourse_username" "$upstream_http_x_discourse_trackview" "$upstream_http_x_queue_time" "$upstream_http_x_redis_calls" "$upstream_http_x_redis_time" "$upstream_http_x_sql_calls" "$upstream_http_x_sql_time"' - geo $bypass_cache: - default: 0 - 1 - '::1': 1 - server: - server_name: - server_tokens: "off" - listen: - 80 - default_server - access_log: /var/log/nginx/discourse.access.log log_discourse - gzip: "on" - gzip_vary: "on" - gzip_min_length: 1000 - gzip_comp_level: 5 - gzip_types: application/json text/css text/javascript application/x-javascript application/javascript image/svg+xml application/wasm - gzip_proxied: any - sendfile: "on" - keepalive_timeout: 65 - client_max_body_size: 10m - set: $public /srv/www/vhosts/discourse/public - etag: "off" - location ^~ /backups/: - internal: '' - location /favicon.ico: - return: 204 - access_log: "off" - log_not_found: "off" - location /: - root: $public - add_header: ETag "" - location ~ ^/uploads/short-url/: - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_pass: http://discourse - break - location ~ ^/secure-media-uploads/: - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_pass: http://discourse - break - location ~* (fonts|assets|plugins|uploads)/.*\.(eot|ttf|woff|woff2|ico|otf)$: - expires: 1y - add_header: Cache-Control public,immutable - add_header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin * - location = /srv/status: - access_log: "off" - log_not_found: "off" - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_pass: http://discourse - break - location ~ ^/javascripts/: - expires: 1d - add_header: Cache-Control public,immutable - add_header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin * - location ~ ^/assets/(?.+)$: - expires: 1y - brotli_static: "on" - gzip_static: "on" - add_header: Cache-Control public,immutable - break - location ~ ^/plugins/: - expires: 1y - add_header: Cache-Control public,immutable - add_header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin * - location ~ /images/emoji/: - expires: 1y - add_header: Cache-Control public,immutable - add_header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin * - location ~ ^/uploads/: - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_set_header: X-Sendfile-Type X-Accel-Redirect - proxy_set_header: X-Accel-Mapping $public/=/downloads/ - expires: 1y - add_header: Cache-Control public,immutable - location ~ /stylesheet-cache/: - add_header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin * - try_files: $uri =404 - location ~* \.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|tif|tiff|ico|webp)$: - add_header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin * - try_files: $uri =404 # Intentionally left blank # - location ~* \.(svg)$: - - location ~ /_?optimized/: - add_header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin * - try_files: $uri =404 - proxy_pass: http://discourse - break - location ~ ^/admin/backups/: - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_set_header: X-Sendfile-Type X-Accel-Redirect - proxy_set_header: X-Accel-Mapping $public/=/downloads/ - proxy_pass: http://discourse - break - location ~ ^/(svg-sprite/|letter_avatar/|letter_avatar_proxy/|user_avatar|highlight-js|stylesheets|theme-javascripts|favicon/proxied|service-worker): - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_ignore_headers: "Set-Cookie" - proxy_hide_header: "Set-Cookie" - proxy_hide_header: "X-Discourse-Username" - proxy_hide_header: "X-Runtime" - proxy_cache: one - proxy_cache_key: "$scheme,$host,$request_uri" - proxy_cache_valid: 200 301 302 7d - proxy_cache_valid: any 1m - proxy_cache_bypass: $bypass_cache - proxy_pass: http://discourse - break - location /message-bus/: - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_http_version: 1.1 - proxy_buffering: "off" - proxy_pass: http://discourse - break - try_files: $uri @discourse - location /downloads/: - internal: '' - alias: $public/ - location @discourse: - root: $public - proxy_set_header: Host $http_host - proxy_set_header: X-Real-IP $remote_addr - proxy_set_header: X-Request-Start "t=${msec}" - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for - proxy_set_header: X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme - proxy_pass: http://discourse enabled: True zypper: repositories: devel:languages:ruby: baseurl:$releasever/ priority: 100 refresh: True darix:apps: baseurl:$releasever/ priority: 100 refresh: True