grains: city: QSC-nuremberg country: de-qsc roles: - firewall hostusage: - IPMI access reboot_safe: yes salt_cluster: opensuse virt_cluster: bare-metal aliases: [] description: IPMI backdoor for (Remote access) and hypervisor for VMs (use slimhat as virt_cluster entry) documentation: [] responsible: - kbabioch - mcaj - rklein - lrupp partners: [] weburls: [] # Firewall configuration firewalld: enabled: true LogDenied: 'off' default_zone: public services: monitoring: short: monitoring description: >- These ports are required for monitoring based on check_mk and NRPE. ports: tcp: - 5665 - 6556 zones: heroes-internal: short: heroes-internal description: >- Internal VPN network. interfaces: - tun0 services: - ssh - monitoring heroes-external: short: heroes-external description: >- Special ZONE with openSUSE VPN external IP addresses, so we can guarantee that we have public access to SSH in case VPN goes down, but without exposing SSH to the internet. sources: # SUSE's public networks (Nuremberg) - - # SUSE's public network (Prague) - # QSC public networks (i.e. widehat) - - # Backdoor of @kbabioch for the time being - # Backdoor of @rklein for the time being - services: - ssh # NOT USED ZONES -- let it be to keep them clear and not attached to any # interface or sources and without any service declared. public: short: Public internal: short: Internal work: short: Work trusted: short: Trusted