/etc/postfix/master.cf: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/master.cf - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - template: jinja - replace: True - require: - pkg: postfix - watch_in: - service: postfix {% for file in [ 'handling_special_recipients', 'no-internal-tls', 'ratelimit', 'transport', 'virtual-domains', 'virtual-opensuse-aliases', 'virtual-opensuse-mailinglists' ] %} /etc/postfix/{{file}}: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/{{file}} - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True cmd.run: - name: postmap /etc/postfix/{{file}} - runas: root - onchanges: - file: /etc/postfix/{{file}} - watch_in: - service: postfix - require: - pkg: postfix {% endfor %} /etc/sysconfig/postgrey: file.line: - match: ^POSTGREY_EXTRA_OPTIONS= - content: POSTGREY_EXTRA_OPTIONS="--auto-whitelist-clients --greylist-text='Service temporarily unavailable, please retry later'" - mode: replace /etc/postfix/header_checks: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/header_checks - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True {% for file in [ 'bounce-old-mlmmj.pcre', 'greylist_helos.pcre', 'suspicious_client.pcre', 'virtual-opensuse-mm3-bounces.pcre' ] %} /etc/postfix/{{file}}: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/{{file}} - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True - require: - pkg: postfix - watch_in: - service: postfix {% endfor %} /etc/clamd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/clamd.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True - require: - pkg: clamav - watch_in: - service: clamd /etc/freshclam.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/freshclam.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True - require: - pkg: clamav - watch_in: - service: freshclam /etc/postgrey/whitelist_clients.local: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/whitelist_clients.local - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True - require: - pkg: postgrey - watch_in: - service: postgrey {% for file, dir in [ ('spampd', 'sysconfig'), ('local.cf', 'mail/spamassassin'), ('opensuse.cf', 'mail/spamassassin'), ('opensuse-rules.cf', 'mail/spamassassin'), ]%} /etc/{{dir}}/{{file}}: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/spamassassin/{{file}} - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True - require: - pkg: spamassassin - watch_in: - service: spampd {% endfor %} spampd-in: host.present: - ip: spampd-out: host.present: - ip: postsrsd: host.present: - ip: # MAYBE: remove override for clamd, seems to be standard now? {% for svc in ['clamd', 'spampd'] %} /etc/systemd/system/{{svc}}.service.d/override.conf: file.managed: - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - replace: True - makedirs: True - contents: - '[Service]' - 'RestartSec=10' - 'Restart=always' {% endfor %} {% for svc in ['clamd', 'freshclam', 'spampd', 'postsrsd', 'postgrey'] %} service {{svc}}: service.running: - name: {{svc}} - enable: True {% endfor %} {% for file, dir in [ ('dhprimes','/etc/cron.d'), ('regen_dh_primes','/usr/local/bin'), ('member_aliases','/etc/cron.d'), ('get_member_aliases', '/usr/local/bin') ]%} {{dir}}/{{file}}: file.managed: - source: salt://profile/mailserver/files/cron/{{file}} - user: root - group: root - mode: {{ '0755' if dir.endswith('/bin') else '0644' }} - replace: True {% endfor %}