countdown_packages: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - adobe-sourcesanspro-fonts - git - google-opensans-fonts - inkscape - optipng - rsync - noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts - noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts - noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts - noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts countdown: user.present: - fullname: countdown.o.o - home: /srv/www/ {% set countdown_dirs = ['/srv/www/', '/srv/www/', '/srv/www/'] %} {% for dir in countdown_dirs %} {{ dir }}: - user: countdown {% endfor %} /etc/cron.d/ file.managed: - contents: - '0 * * * * countdown /srv/www/ -G -E && rsync -a --delete-after /srv/www/ /srv/www/' countdown_git: git.latest: - name: - target: /srv/www/ - user: countdown - force_reset: True - require: - pkg: countdown_packages # TODO (after Leap 15 release?): change path in countdown.o.o and get rid of these symlinks /home/ file.symlink: - target: /srv/www/ /srv/www/ file.symlink: - target: /srv/www/