Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Michal Marek 0b9e9a
# spec file for package kernel-obs-qa
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Takashi Iwai 39a1fc
# Copyright (c) @YEAR@ SUSE LLC
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# needsrootforbuild
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Michal Marek 0b9e9a
Michal Marek b2e5f7
%define patchversion @PATCHVERSION@
Michal Marek b2e5f7
%define variant @VARIANT@%{nil}
Michal Marek b2e5f7
Michal Marek b2e5f7
%include %_sourcedir/kernel-spec-macros
Michal Marek b2e5f7
Michal Marek f4797c
Name:           kernel-obs-qa
Michal Marek f4797c
BuildRequires:  kernel-default
Adrian Schröter 7a16a4
# kernel-obs-build must be also configured as VMinstall, but is required
Adrian Schröter 7a16a4
# here as well to avoid that qa and build package build parallel
Adrian Schröter 7a16a4
BuildRequires:  kernel-obs-build
Michal Marek f65016
BuildRequires:  modutils
Michal Marek b2e5f7
ExclusiveArch:  @ARCHS@
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
%if 0%{?suse_version} < 1200
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# for SLE 11
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Michal Marek 0b9e9a
Summary:        Basic QA tests for the kernel
Michal Kubecek f888e0
License:        GPL-2.0-only
Michal Marek 0b9e9a
Group:          SLES
Michal Marek b2e5f7
Version:        @RPMVERSION@
Michal Marek b2e5f7
%if 0%{?is_kotd}
Michal Marek b2e5f7
Release:        <RELEASE>.g@COMMIT@
Michal Marek b2e5f7
Michal Marek b2e5f7
Release:        @RELEASE@
Michal Marek b2e5f7
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
This package is using the kernel compiled within Open Build Service(OBS)
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
projects and runs basic tests.
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# More tests are comming, currently the main test is the existens of
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# this spec file. It does trigger a build within OBS VM which is using
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# the kernel of the same project.
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# test suites should be packaged in other packages, but build required
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
# and called here.
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Michal Marek 28e9e7
krel=$(uname -r)
if test ! -d "/lib/modules/$krel/kernel" && test ! -d "/usr/lib/modules/$krel/kernel"; then
Michal Marek 28e9e7
	echo "Kernel package for $krel not installed; exiting"
Michal Marek 28e9e7
	exit 0
Adrian Schröter 381166
Michal Marek 28e9e7
/sbin/modprobe loop
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Michal Marek 717e96
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/share/%name
Michal Marek 717e96
touch %{buildroot}/usr/share/%name/logfile
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Michal Marek 717e96
Adrian Schröter e9cfd5
Michal Marek 0b9e9a