arunodhayamsam 027d5f
# Terraform-AWS-Deploy
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
 This terraform plan create the resourcess of EC2 instance
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
## Terraform Variables
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
 Edit the `` file to add the variables as per your need.
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arunodhayamsam 027d5f
| Variable name | Value | Description |
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
| ------------- | ----- | ----------- |
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
| `aws_region` | us-east-1 | Set the region  |
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| `vpc_cidr` | | Set the cidr value for the vpc |
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| `public_subnet_cidr` | | Set the cidr value for the public subnet |
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
| `user` | ubuntu | Set the EC2 instance user name |
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| `public_key` | /home/user_name/.ssh/id_rsa_pub | Set the publickey value for the ec2 instance from the host machine |
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
| `private_key` | /home/user_name/.ssh/id_rsa | Set the private key value for the ec2 instance from the hostmachine |
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
| `aws_access_key` | AWSACCESSKEY | Enter your aws access key |
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| `aws_secrete_key` | AWSSECRETEKEY | Enter your aws secrete key |
arunodhayamsam 027d5f
| `instance_name` | Lufi_app_instance | Set the name for instance |