Luc Didry ae8934
# vim:set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 ft=perl expandtab:
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package Lufi::Controller::Mail;
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use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
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use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json);
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use Mojo::URL;
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use Email::Valid;
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use URI::Find;
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use URI::Find::Schemeless;
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sub render_share_mail {
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    my $c = shift;
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    my $links = (defined($c->param('links'))) ? decode_json($c->param('links')) : [];
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    $c->redirect_to('/') unless (scalar(@{$links}));
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        template => 'mail',
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        links    => $links
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sub send_share_mail {
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    my $c = shift;
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    my $validation = $c->validation;
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    return $c->render(text => $c->l('Bad CSRF token!'), status => 403) if $validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token');
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    my $emails  = $c->param('emails');
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    my $body    = $c->param('body');
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    my $subject = $c->param('subject');
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    my $msg     = '';
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    my $base_url  = $c->req->url->to_abs->path($c->config('prefix').'r/');
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    my $fixed_url = $base_url;
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    if ($c->config('fixed_domain')) {
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    my $at_least_one_instance_url = 0;
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    my $finder = URI::Find->new(sub {
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        my ($uri, $orig_uri) = @_;
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        $uri = Mojo::URL->new($uri);
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        if ($uri->host ne $base_url->to_abs->host && $uri->host ne $fixed_url->to_abs->host) {
Luc Didry 396218
            $msg .= $c->l('You can\'t add URLs that are not related to this instance (%1).', $orig_uri).'
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        } elsif (index($orig_uri, $fixed_url->to_abs->to_string) > -1) {
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            $at_least_one_instance_url = 1;
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        return $orig_uri;
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    # Schemeless URI beginning with www, which are interpreted by mailers 🤦
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    $finder = URI::Find::Schemeless->new(sub {
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        my ($uri, $orig_uri) = @_;
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        return $orig_uri if ($uri !~ m/www/);
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        $uri = Mojo::URL->new($uri);
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        if ($uri->host ne $base_url->to_abs->host && $uri->host ne $fixed_url->to_abs->host) {
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            $msg .= $c->l('You can\'t add URLs that are not related to this instance (%1).', $orig_uri).'
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        return $orig_uri;
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    unless ($at_least_one_instance_url) {
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        $msg .= $c->l('The body of the mail must contain at least one URL pointing to a file hosted on this instance.').'
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    $emails =~ s/ //g;
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    my @a   = split(',', $emails);
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    my @bad;
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    my @good;
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    for my $email (@a) {
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        if (!Email::Valid->address($email)) {
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            push @bad, $email;
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        } else {
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            push @good, { to => $email };
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    if (scalar(@bad)) {
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        $msg .= $c->l('The following email addresses are not valid: %1', join(', ', @bad)).'
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    $msg .= $c->l('You must give email addresses.').'
' unless (scalar(@a));
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    $msg .= $c->l('The email subject can\'t be empty.').'
' unless ($subject);
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    $msg .= $c->l('The email body can\'t be empty.').'
' unless ($body);
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    if ($msg) {
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        return $c->render(
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            template => 'mail',
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            msg      => $msg,
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            links    => [],
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            values   => {
Luc Didry d94c2b
                emails  => $emails,
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                subject => $subject,
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                body    => $body
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Luc Didry 7713c7
    my $success = $c->send_multiple_mail(
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        mail => {
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            subject => $subject,
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            text    => $body
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        send => \@good
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    if ($success) {
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        return $c->render(
Luc Didry 7713c7
            template    => 'msg',
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            msg_success => $c->l('The mail has been sent.')
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    } else {
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        return $c->render(
Luc Didry 7713c7
            template => 'mail',
Luc Didry 7713c7
            msg      => $c->l('Something went wrong when sending the mail(s). You should contact the administrator of this instance.'),
Luc Didry 7713c7
            links    => [],
Luc Didry 7713c7
            values   => {
Luc Didry 7713c7
                emails  => $emails,
Luc Didry 7713c7
                subject => $subject,
Luc Didry 7713c7
                body    => $body
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