Luc Didry 99abed
% # vim:set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 ft=html.epl expandtab:
Luc Didry 28e549
Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('What is Lufi?') %>

Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('Lufi is a free (as in free speech) file hosting software.') %>

Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('Privacy') %>

Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('The files uploaded on a Lufi instance are encrypted before the upload to the server: the administrator of the server can not see the file\'s content.') %>

Armando Lüscher c3e7a2
    <%= l('The administrator can only see the file\'s name, its size and its mimetype (what kind of file it is: video, text, etc.).') %>

Sebastien Duthil aa0c5a

<%= l('You don\'t need to register yourself to upload files but be aware that, for legal reasons, your IP address will be stored when you send a file. Don\'t panic, this is normally the case for all sites on which you send files.') %>

Sebastien Duthil aa0c5a

<%= l('How does it work?') %>

Sebastien Duthil aa0c5a

<%= l('Drag and drop files in the appropriate area or use the traditional way to send files and the files will be chunked, encrypted and sent to the server. You will get two links per file: a download link, that you give to the people you want to share the file with and a deletion link, allowing you to delete the file whenever you want.') %>

Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('You can see the list of your files by clicking on the "My files" link at the top right of this page.') %>

Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('How to report an illegal file?') %>

Luc Didry 377a48

<%== l('Please contact the administrator: %1', config('contact')) %>

Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('Who wrote this software?') %>

b_b 8874a7

<%== l('The original (and only for now) author is Luc Didry.') %>

Luc Didry 99abed

<%= l('How to install the software on my server?') %>

Luc Didry 92e245

<%== l('As Lufi is a free software licensed under of the terms of the AGPLv3, you can install it on you own server. Have a look on the Wiki for the procedure.') %>

Luc Didry 92e245
       <%== l('Get the source code on the official repository or on its Github mirror') %>
Luc Didry af441f

Luc Didry 17600f

<%= l('Version') %>

Luc Didry 17600f

<%== l('Latest tag of this instance: %1', sprintf('%s', stash('version')->{tag}, stash('version')->{tag})) %>

Luc Didry 17600f

<%== l('Latest commit of this instance: %1', sprintf('%s', stash('version')->{commit}, stash('version')->{commit})) %>

Alexandre LG 59ad9e

<%= link_to url_for('/') => ( class => "btn waves-effect waves-light cyan" ) => begin %><%= l('Back to homepage') %><% end%>

Luc Didry 99abed