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# Terraform-AWS-Lufi

 This terraform plan create the resourcess of EC2 instance

## Terraform Variables
 Edit the `` file to add the variables as per your need.

| Variable name | Value | Description |
| ------------- | ----- | ----------- |
| `aws_region` | us-east-1 | Set the region  |
| `vpc_cidr` | | Set the cidr value for the vpc |
| `public_subnet_cidr` | | Set the cidr value for the public subnet |
| `user` | ubuntu | Set the EC2 instance user name |
| `public_key` | /home/user_name/.ssh/id_rsa_pub | Set the publickey value for the ec2 instance from the host machine |
| `private_key` | /home/user_name/.ssh/id_rsa | Set the private key value for the ec2 instance from the hostmachine |
| `aws_access_key` | AWSACCESSKEY | Enter your aws access key |
| `aws_secrete_key` | AWSSECRETEKEY | Enter your aws secrete key |
| `instance_name` | Lufi_app_instance | Set the name for instance |
| `app_dir` | /var/www/ | Set the application directory for the best practice |
| `lufi_owner` | www-data | Set the application user for the best practice |
| `lufi_group` | www-data | Set the application group for the best practice |
| `contact` | | Contact option (mandatory), where you have to put some way for the users to contact you. |
| `report` | | report option (mandatory) Put an email address or an URL to let people report illegal files |

## Usage of terraform plan with lufi deploy script

git clone

cd lufi/.provision/terraform-aws-lufi

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
## Usage of terraform plan with ansible role

- Comment out the below `data template` and `user_data` source in __main.tf__ file

locals {
  user_data_vars = {
    user = var.lufi_owner
    group = var.lufi_group
    directory = var.app_dir
    git_branch = var.project_version
    contact_lufi =
    report_lufi =

user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/", local.user_data_vars)

- Add the below provisioner data in __main.tf__ file at the `aws_instance` resource

 connection          {
    agent            = false
    type             = "ssh"
    host             = aws_instance.ec2_instance.public_dns 
    private_key      = "${file(var.private_key)}"
    user             = "${var.user}"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "sudo apt update -y",
      "sudo apt install python3.9 -y",

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOT
      sleep 120 && \
      > hosts && \
      echo "[Lufi]" | tee -a hosts && \
      echo "${aws_instance.ec2_instance.public_ip} ansible_user=${var.user} ansible_ssh_private_key_file=${var.private_key}" | tee -a hosts && \
      export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False && \
      ansible-playbook -u ${var.user} --private-key ${var.private_key} -i hosts site.yml