% # vim:set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 ft=html.epl expandtab: % my %d = ( % delay_0 => l('no time limit'), % delay_1 => l('24 hours'), % delay_365 => l('1 year') % );
% if (defined(config('broadcast_message'))) {
<%= config('broadcast_message') %>
% } % if (stash('invitation')) {
<%= l('The link(s) of your file(s) will automatically be sent by mail to %1 (%2)', stash('invitation')->ldap_user, stash('invitation')->ldap_user_mail) %>
% }
<%= l('Your browser does not have enough entropy to generate a strong encryption key. Please wait (it\'s better if you do things on your computer while waiting).') %>
% if (stop_upload) {
<%= l('Sorry, the uploading is currently disabled. Please try again later.') %>
% } else {
% if ($self->config('force_burn_after_reading')) { % }


% if (config('allow_pwd_on_files') && (!stash('invitation'))) {
% }

<%= l('Drop files here') %>

<%= l('or') %>

documents.zip ()

<%= l('Compressing zip fileā€¦') %>

<%= l('Uploaded files') %>

%= include 'delays' % if (defined stash('invitation')) { %= javascript '/partial/index.js?token=' . stash('invitation')->token % } else { %= javascript '/partial/index.js' % } %= javascript '/js/sjcl.js' %= javascript '/js/moment-with-locales.min.js' %= javascript '/js/filesize.min.js' %= javascript '/js/jszip.min.js' %= javascript '/js/lufi-notifications.js' %= javascript '/js/lufi-up.js' % }