% # vim:set sts=4 sw=4 ts=4 ft=html.epl expandtab:

<%= l('My files') %>

<%= l('Only the files sent with this browser will be listed here. This list is stored in localStorage: if you delete your localStorage data, you\'ll lose this list.') %>
<%= l('Rows in red mean that the files have expired and are no longer available.') %>

<%= l('Export localStorage data') %> <%= l('Purge expired files from localStorage') %> <%= l('Import localStorage data') %> <%= l('Delete selected files') %>
<%= l('File name') %> <%= l('Download link') %> <%= l('Counter') %> <%= l('Delete at first download?') %> <%= l('Uploaded at') %> <%= l('Expires at') %> <%= l('Deletion link') %> <%= l('Mail') %>
%= javascript begin var baseURL = '<%== url_for('/')->to_abs() %>'; var counterURL = '<%== url_for('counter') %>'; var i18n = { noExpiration: '<%= l('No expiration delay') %>', importProcessed: '<%= l('The data has been successfully imported.') %>', }; $(document).ready(function() { populateFilesTable(); }); % end %= javascript '/js/lufi-files.js' %= javascript '/js/moment-with-locales.min.js'