% # vim:set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 ft=html.epl expandtab:
% if (defined(stash('msg'))) {
<%== stash('msg')%>
% }

<%= l('If you send the mail from this server, the links will be sent to the server, which may lower your privacy protection.') %>

<%= l('Adding URLs not related to this Lufi instance to the mail body or subject is prohibited.') %>

%= csrf_field
% if (defined(stash('values'))) { % } else { % }
% if (defined(stash('values'))) { % } else { % }
% if (!$self->config('disable_mail_sending')) { % } <%= l('Send with your own mail software') %>
%= javascript url_for('/partial/mail.js')->query(populate => (!defined(stash('msg')) && !defined(stash('values'))), links => $links) %= javascript '/js/moment-with-locales.min.js'