#cron.yml --- - name: Copy the cronjob file ansible.builtin.copy: src: ../files/cronjob dest: /etc/cron.d/ owner: www-data group: www-data - name: "example cronjob" ansible.builtin.cron: name: "cronjob" state: present user: www-data minute: "0" hour: "0" day: "*" month: "*" weekday: "*" job: | carton exec script/lufi cron cleanbdd --mode production; carton exec script/lufi cron cleanfiles --mode production; carton exec script/lufi cron watch --mode production #- name: Crontab file exists # cron: # name: Add date and time to a file. # minute: "*/2" # hour: 9-16 # weekday: 1-5 # user: devops # job: df >> /home/devops/disk_usage # cron_file: disk_usage # state: present