
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# spec file for package openSUSE-release.spec
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2a20bc
# Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LLC
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%define product ___PRODUCT_NAME___
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
#define betaversion ___BETA_VERSION___%{nil}
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%define codename Tumbleweed
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Name:           ___PACKAGE_NAME___
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Version:        ___VERSION___
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Release:        0
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# ___RELEASE___ is the product release, not the build release of this package
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Summary:        ___SUMMARY___
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
License:        BSD-3-Clause
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Group:          System/Fhs
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
BuildRequires:  skelcd-control-openSUSE
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
BuildRequires:  skelcd-openSUSE
Bernhard M. Wiedemann ac9e34
Suggests:       branding-openSUSE
Bernhard M. Wiedemann ac9e34
Suggests:       distribution-logos-openSUSE-Tumbleweed
Suggests:       java-21-openjdk
Suggests:       java-21-openjdk-devel
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Suggests:       mariadb
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Suggests:       mariadb-client
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2a20bc
Suggests:       openSUSE-build-key
Suggests:       openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e84a32
Suggests:       openssl-1_1
Suggests:       procps < 4
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Conflicts:      core-release <= 10
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Conflicts:      distribution-release
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Conflicts:      sled-release <= 10
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Conflicts:      sles-release <= 10
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       aaa_version
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       distribution-release
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       suse-release = %{version}-%{release}
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       suse-release-oss = %{version}-%{release}
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# Give zypp a hint that this product must be kept up-to-date using zypper dup, not up (boo#1061384)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       product-update() = dup
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# Since we have more than one product in the FTP tree, we need to give yast a hint
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       system-installation() = openSUSE
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Obsoletes:      aaa_version
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Obsoletes:      openSUSE-Promo-release <= 11.1
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Obsoletes:      openSUSE-release-live <= 11.0
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# bnc#826592
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(kernel-default) < 3.11
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(kernel-desktop) < 4.2
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(kernel-ec2) < 3.11
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(kernel-pae) < 3.11
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(kernel-vanilla) < 3.11
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(kernel-xen) < 3.11
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# migrated from MANUAL_OBSOLETES/packages
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(boost-license1_56_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(boost-license1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(gpg-pubkey-3d25d3d9-36e12d04)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(lib++dfb-1_7-6)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libastro-qt5-1)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_atomic1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_atomic1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_atomic1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_atomic1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_chrono1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_chrono1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_chrono1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_chrono1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_container1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_container1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_container1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_container1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_context1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_context1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_context1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_context1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_coroutine1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_coroutine1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_coroutine1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_coroutine1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_date_time1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_date_time1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_date_time1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_date_time1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_filesystem1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_filesystem1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_filesystem1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_filesystem1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_graph1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_graph1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_graph1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_graph1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_iostreams1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_locale1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_log1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_log1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_log1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_log1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_math1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_program_options1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_python1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_random1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_regex1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_regex1_60_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_regex1_62_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_regex1_63_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_serialization1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_signals1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_system1_56_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_system1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_test1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_thread1_56_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_thread1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_timer1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libboost_wave1_59_0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libcamel-1_2-54)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libdialog12)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libdirectfb-1_7-6)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libdns146)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libdns160)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libdns161)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libgdict-1_0-9)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libgit2-23)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libgpaste4)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libhdf5-11)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libhdf5_hl11)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libicu54_1)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libicu54_1-ledata)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libicu55_1)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libicu55_1-ledata)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libicu56_1)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libicu56_1-ledata)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libimobiledevice5)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libisc142)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libisc148)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libisl13)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libixion-0_10-0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(liblmdb-0_9_16)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libmicrohttpd11)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libminiupnpc15)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libnis1)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libntfs-3g86)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(liborcus-0_10-0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler47)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler48)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler49)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler50)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler51)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler52)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler53)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler54)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler55)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler56)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler57)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler58)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler59)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler61)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler62)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler63)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler64)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpoppler65)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libprocps4)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libprocps5)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libpsl0)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libsgutils2-1_40-2)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libsgutils2-1_41-2)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libvpx2)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libxtables11)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(libzip4)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(mt_st)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Provides:       weakremover(openssl-debuginfo)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 78b48c
# Suggest openSUSE-release-ftp as 'main flavor'. Offline install from DVD only
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 78b48c
# has openSUSE=release-DVD available, which is good for the use case (boo#1209959)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 78b48c
Suggests:       openSUSE-release-ftp
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%include %{SOURCE100}
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%setup -qcT
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
mkdir license
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
if [ -f /CD1/license.tar.gz ]; then
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
  tar -C license -xzf /CD1/license.tar.gz
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
elif [ -f %{_prefix}/lib/skelcd/CD1/license.tar.gz ]; then
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
  tar -C license -xzf %{_prefix}/lib/skelcd/CD1/license.tar.gz
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/issue.d %{buildroot}/run
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
echo -e 'Welcome to %{product} %{codename} %{version}%{?betaversion: %{betaversion}} - Kernel \\r (\\l).\n' > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/issue.d/10-openSUSE.conf
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
echo -e "\n" > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/issue.d/90-openSUSE.conf
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
echo    'Welcome to %{product} %{codename} %{version}%{?betaversion: %{betaversion}} - Kernel %%r (%%t).' > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
VERSION_ID=`echo %{version}|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sed -e 's/ //g;'`
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# note: VERSION is an optional field and has no meaning other than informative on a rolling distro
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# We do thus not add it to the os-release file
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
cat > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/os-release <
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# VERSION="%{version}%{?betaversion: %{betaversion}}"
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
ID_LIKE="opensuse suse"
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# CPE 2.3 format, boo#1217921
#CPE 2.2 format
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 91a367
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
ln -s ..%{_prefix}/lib/os-release %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/os-release
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/motd.d/
echo "Have a lot of fun..." > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/motd.d/welcome
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# Bug 404141 - /etc/YaST/control.xml should be owned by some package
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/YaST2/
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
echo %{buildroot}
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
if [ -f /CD1/control.xml ]; then
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
  install -m 644 /CD1/control.xml %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/YaST2/
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
elif [ -f %{_prefix}/lib/skelcd/CD1/control.xml ]; then
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
  install -m 644 %{_prefix}/lib/skelcd/CD1/control.xml %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/YaST2/
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# enable vendor change openSUSE,SUSE for DUP from 15.3 to TW (boo#1198332)
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/zypp/vendors.d
echo -e "[main]\nvendors=openSUSE,SUSE,SUSE LLC <>\n" > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/zypp/vendors.d/00-openSUSE.conf
# fate#319341, make openSUSE-release own YaST license files.
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
install -D -d -m 755 "%{buildroot}%_defaultlicensedir/product/base"
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
install -D -d -m 755 "%{buildroot}%_defaultlicensedir"
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
cp -a license "%{buildroot}%_defaultlicensedir/%name"
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
pushd license
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
for i in *; do
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
	ln -s "%_defaultlicensedir/%name/$i" %{buildroot}%_defaultlicensedir/product/base/$i
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# this is a base product, create symlink
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
ln -s %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/products.d/baseproduct
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# Launch the issue-generator: we have a new config file in /usr/lib/issue.d that needs to be represented
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
if [ -x %{_sbindir}/issue-generator ]; then
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
    if [ -x %{_bindir}/systemd-tmpfiles ]; then
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
      %{_bindir}/systemd-tmpfiles --create issue-generator.conf || :
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
    %{_sbindir}/issue-generator || :
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%dir %_defaultlicensedir/product
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%license license/*
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
# Bug 404141 - /etc/YaST/control.xml should be owned by some package
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/YaST2/
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
%config %{_sysconfdir}/YaST2/control.xml
%config %{_sysconfdir}/zypp/vendors.d/00-openSUSE.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/products.d
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/issue.d
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
Bernhard M. Wiedemann d34c79
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
Bernhard M. Wiedemann e1425b
* Mon Feb 19 2024 Dominique Leuenberger <>
- No information provided here - we needed a dated entry for
  RPM/reproducible builds