From cd16d7c054f038c9fcfbfbf592f1ee4e5ce46d06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: staging-bot <> Date: Apr 05 2023 15:25:09 +0000 Subject: Update 000product to rev 3571 by user staging-bot Automatic update --- diff --git a/.files b/.files index 908be5f..c67aaad 100644 Binary files a/.files and b/.files differ diff --git a/.rev b/.rev index 771184c..24204f8 100644 --- a/.rev +++ b/.rev @@ -24988,4 +24988,11 @@ staging-bot Automatic update + + 35770e80e4c16a8fda43d9a67fca73b8 + unknown + + staging-bot + Automatic update + diff --git a/unsorted.yml b/unsorted.yml index a94b7c3..b44aa28 100644 --- a/unsorted.yml +++ b/unsorted.yml @@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ unsorted: - LibVNCServer-devel - Mesa-32bit - Mesa-KHR-devel + - Mesa-demo-egl-32bit + - Mesa-demo-es-32bit + - Mesa-demo-x-32bit - Mesa-devel - Mesa-dri-32bit - Mesa-dri-devel @@ -506,6 +509,7 @@ unsorted: - alsa-devel - alsa-devel-32bit - alsa-docs + - alsa-oss-32bit - alsa-plugins-a52 - alsa-plugins-aaf - alsa-plugins-arcam-av @@ -774,6 +778,7 @@ unsorted: - apr-devel - apr-util-devel - apulse + - apulse-32bit - aqbanking - aqbanking-devel - aqbanking-doc @@ -11909,7 +11914,9 @@ unsorted: - libgadu-devel - libgamemode-devel - libgamemode0 + - libgamemode0-32bit - libgamemodeauto0 + - libgamemodeauto0-32bit - libgamin-1-0 - libgaminggear - libgaminggear-devel @@ -14837,6 +14844,7 @@ unsorted: - libspatialite-devel - libspatialite7 - libspdlog1_11 + - libspdlog1_11-32bit - libspdylay7 - libspectre-devel - libspeechd-devel @@ -19694,7 +19702,6 @@ unsorted: - pamixer - pan - pan-lang - - pandoc - pandoc-cli - pango-devel - pango-devel-32bit @@ -28984,6 +28991,7 @@ unsorted: - python311-scspell3k - python311-sdnotify - python311-seaborn + - python311-securesystemslib - python311-selection - python311-selenium - python311-semanage @@ -29511,1115 +29519,76 @@ unsorted: - python311-zypp-plugin - python38 - python38-32bit - - python38-AnyQt - - python38-Arpeggio - - python38-BitVector - - python38-Brotli - - python38-CCColUtils - - python38-Cerberus - - python38-Cheetah3 - - python38-CommonMark - - python38-ConfigUpdater - - python38-Cython3 - - python38-Dumper - - python38-Durus - - python38-EasyProcess - - python38-EditorConfig - - python38-ExifRead - python38-Flask-Security-Too - - python38-GooCalendar - - python38-HeapDict - - python38-HepMC - - python38-IMAPClient - - python38-JPype1 - python38-JsonWeb - - python38-Kajiki - - python38-LHAPDF - - python38-Levenshtein - - python38-Logbook - - python38-M2Crypto - - python38-MarkupPy - - python38-MiniMock - - python38-Morfessor - - python38-PTable - - python38-Parsley - - python38-Pebble - - python38-PubChemPy - - python38-PyAudio - - python38-PyBindGen - - python38-PyChart - - python38-PyCondor - - python38-PyDispatcher - - python38-PyECLib - - python38-PyICU - - python38-PyLaTeX - - python38-PyMeeus - - python38-PyMeta3 - - python38-PyMsgBox - - python38-PyMuPDF - - python38-PyOgg - - python38-PyOpenAL - - python38-PyPDF2 - - python38-PyQRCode - - python38-PyQt6-sip - - python38-PyRIC - 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- python38-augeas - - python38-authres - - python38-autocommand - - python38-autopage - - python38-autoray - - python38-awpa - python38-awscrt - - python38-axolotl-curve25519 - - python38-azure-agrifood-nspkg - - python38-azure-ai-language-nspkg - - python38-azure-ai-nspkg - - python38-azure-ai-translation-nspkg - - python38-azure-cognitiveservices-knowledge-nspkg - - python38-azure-cognitiveservices-language-nspkg - - python38-azure-cognitiveservices-nspkg - - python38-azure-cognitiveservices-search-nspkg - - python38-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-nspkg - - python38-azure-common - - python38-azure-communication-nspkg - - python38-azure-data-nspkg - - python38-azure-digitaltwins-nspkg - - python38-azure-iot-nspkg - - python38-azure-keyvault-nspkg - - python38-azure-media-nspkg - - python38-azure-messaging-nspkg - - python38-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg - - python38-azure-mgmt-nspkg - - python38-azure-mixedreality-nspkg - - python38-azure-monitor-nspkg - - python38-azure-nspkg - - python38-azure-purview-nspkg - - python38-azure-search-nspkg - - python38-azure-security-nspkg - - python38-azure-storage-nspkg - - python38-azure-synapse-nspkg - - python38-babelfish - - python38-backcall - - python38-backoff - python38-base - python38-base-32bit - - python38-base58 - - python38-beartype - - python38-beautifulsoup4 - - python38-before-after - - python38-bencode - - python38-bidict - - python38-billiard - - python38-binary - - python38-biplist - - python38-bitarray - - python38-bitstring - - python38-bitstruct - - python38-bjoern - - python38-blinker - - python38-blosc - - python38-blosc2 - - python38-blurb - - python38-bmap-tools - - python38-boltons - - - - python38-bottle - - python38-bracex - - python38-brewer2mpl - - python38-bsddb3 - - python38-bsddb3-devel - - python38-bugzillatools - - python38-buttplug - - python38-cPyparsing - - python38-cached-property - - python38-cachelib - - python38-cachetools - - python38-cachey - - python38-cachy - - python38-calver - - python38-cangjie - - python38-capturer - - python38-cassowary - - python38-casttube - - python38-cbor - - python38-cbor2 - - python38-cchardet - python38-cerealizer - - python38-certstream - - python38-cfgv - - python38-chai - python38-chart-studio - - python38-chest - - python38-circuitbreaker - - python38-cl - - python38-cleo - - python38-clikit - - python38-clint - - python38-cloud-init-seed - - python38-cloud-sptheme - - python38-cloudpickle - - python38-coards - - python38-cogapp - - python38-colorclass - - python38-coloredlogs - - python38-colorful - - python38-colorlog - - python38-colorlover - - python38-colour - - python38-columnize - - python38-compileall2 - - python38-compizconfig - - python38-compressed_rtf - - python38-concurrentloghandler - - python38-confluent-kafka - - python38-confpy - - python38-contexter - - python38-cookies - - python38-cppclean - python38-cpplint - - python38-cracklib - - python38-cramjam - - python38-crashtest - - python38-crcmod - - python38-cron-descriptor - - python38-crumbs - - python38-cryptography-vectors - - python38-css-html-js-minify - - python38-csscompressor - - python38-cssmin - - python38-cssutils - - python38-cstruct - - python38-csv23 - python38-curses - - python38-cwcwidth - - python38-cx_Freeze - - python38-cymruwhois - - python38-cytoolz - - python38-d2to1 - - python38-daemonize - - python38-dash-core-components - - python38-dash-html-components - - python38-dash-renderer - - python38-dash-table - - python38-datadiff - - python38-datrie - - python38-dbfread - python38-dbm - - python38-dbus_next - - python38-deap - - python38-debugpy - - python38-deepdiff - - python38-deepmerge - - python38-delegator - - python38-deprecation - python38-devel - python38-devpi-client - python38-devpi-server - - python38-dfdatetime - - python38-dfwinreg - - python38-dialite - - python38-dictdiffer - - python38-dictknife - - python38-dicttoxml - - python38-diff-match-patch - - python38-dill - - python38-dirtyjson - - python38-discid - - python38-diskcache - - python38-dist - - python38-distorm3 - - python38-distutils-extra - - python38-django-gravatar2 - python38-django-oscar - - python38-django-request - - python38-django-requests-debug-toolbar - - python38-django-upgrade - - python38-djvulibre - - python38-dnslib - python38-doc - python38-doc-devhelp - - python38-docopt - - python38-docstring-to-markdown - - python38-dogslow - - python38-dominate - - python38-dotmap - - python38-dpcontracts - - python38-dpkt - python38-dqsegdb2 - - python38-dragonmapper - - python38-drgn - - python38-dtaidistance - - python38-dtfabric - - python38-duckduckgo2 - - python38-dukpy - - python38-dukpy-kovidgoyal - - python38-e-antic - - python38-easygui - - python38-ebcdic - - python38-ed25519 - - python38-editdistance - - python38-editdistance-devel - - python38-edk2toollib - python38-efl - - python38-elementpath - python38-eliot - - python38-email-reply-parser - - python38-emoji - - python38-empy - - python38-encore - - python38-entrypoints - - python38-environmental-override - - python38-envisage - - python38-enzyme - - python38-ephem - - python38-ephemeral-port-reserve - - python38-eradicate - - python38-espeak - - python38-ethtool - - python38-evdev - - python38-exam - - python38-executing - - python38-exiv2 - - python38-expects - - python38-expiringdict - - python38-ez_setup - - python38-falcon - - python38-fann2 - - python38-fastbencode - - python38-fastimport - - python38-fastjsonschema - - python38-fastnumbers - - python38-fb-re2 - - python38-feedparser - - python38-filetype - - python38-first - - python38-flake8-blind-except - - python38-flake8-debugger - - python38-flake8-imports - - python38-flatbuffers - - python38-flatdict - - python38-flexmock - - python38-fluent - - python38-flufl.i18n - - python38-flufl.testing - - python38-flup - - python38-forbiddenfruit - - python38-formats - - python38-framel - - python38-freetype-py - - python38-frozendict - - python38-fsspec - - python38-ftputil - - python38-funcparserlib - - python38-funcy - - python38-fuse - - python38-fusepy - - python38-fuzzywuzzy - - python38-ged4py - - python38-genson - - python38-geographiclib - - python38-geojson - - python38-geolinks - - python38-geopy - - python38-getmac - - python38-glean - - python38-glfw - - python38-glob2 - - python38-glucat - - python38-gmpy2 - - python38-google-auth-oauthlib - - python38-google-crc32c - - python38-google-resumable-media - - python38-gpg - - python38-gphoto2 - - python38-gprof2dot - - python38-gps3 - - python38-gpxpy - - python38-graphql-core - - python38-gscholar - - python38-gst - python38-gwdatafind - python38-gwpy - - python38-hanzidentifier - - python38-haproxyctl - - python38-hashids - - python38-hawkauthlib - python38-hdf5storage - - python38-hepunits - - python38-hetzner - - python38-hexdump - - python38-hid-parser - - python38-hijri-converter - - python38-hiredis - - python38-hkdf - - python38-hl7apy - python38-holoviews - - python38-hsluv - - python38-hstspreload - - python38-html2text - - python38-html5-parser - - python38-humanfriendly - - python38-humanhash3 - - python38-humanize - - python38-hunter - - python38-husl - python38-hvplot - - python38-i3ipc - python38-idle - - python38-ifaddr - - python38-ifconfig-parser - - python38-ijson - - python38-imageio-ffmpeg - - python38-infinity - - python38-inflate64 - - python38-inflection - - python38-inifile - - python38-iniparse - - python38-installer - python38-intake - - python38-intervals - - python38-iocapture - - python38-ipaddr - - python38-iptables - - python38-ipy - python38-ipympl - python38-ipyscales - python38-ipyvolume - - python38-isbnlib - - python38-isc_dhcp_leases - - python38-iso3166 - - python38-isort - - python38-itemadapter - - python38-itypes - - python38-jaraco.context - - python38-jaraco.path - - python38-jdatetime - - python38-jdcal - - python38-jedi - - python38-jedihttp - - python38-jellyfish - - python38-jfscripts - - python38-joblib - - python38-jsmin - - python38-json-rpc - - python38-json_tricks - - python38-jsonlines - - python38-jsonpickle - - python38-jsonref - - python38-jsonrpclib-pelix - 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- python38-libfvde - - python38-libfwnt - - python38-libfwps - - python38-libfwsi - - python38-libkdumpfile - - python38-liblnk - - python38-libluksde - - python38-libmodi - python38-libmount - - python38-libmsiecf - - python38-libmsym - - python38-libnacl - - python38-libolecf - - python38-libpff - - python38-libpfm - - python38-libphdi - - python38-libqcow - - python38-libregf - python38-librosa - - python38-librouteros - - python38-libscca - - python38-libsigscan - - python38-libsmdev - - python38-libsmraw - - python38-libusb1 - - python38-libvhdi - - python38-libvirt-python - - python38-libvmdk - - python38-libvsapm - - python38-libvsgpt - - python38-libvshadow - - python38-libvslvm - - python38-libvsmbr - - python38-libwrc - - python38-license-expression - - python38-ligotimegps - python38-limnoria - - python38-linetable - - python38-link-traits - - python38-linkify-it-py - - python38-lit - - python38-littleutils - - python38-llfuse - - python38-llvmlite - - python38-lmdb - - python38-lml - - python38-locket - - python38-lockfile - - python38-logilab-common - - python38-loguru - python38-logutils - - python38-logzero - - python38-looseversion - python38-lws - - python38-lz4 - - python38-magicalimport - - python38-mailman3-fedmsg-plugin - - python38-makefun - - python38-managesieve - - python38-manuel - - python38-manuel-doc - - python38-markdown-it-py - - python38-markdown2 - - python38-marshmallow - - python38-marshmallow-enum - - python38-material-color-utilities-python - - python38-matplotlib-inline - - python38-mdit-py-plugins - - python38-mdurl - - python38-meld3 - - python38-merge3 - - python38-mergedeep - - python38-metamagic.json - - python38-mimesis - - python38-minidb - - python38-miniupnpc - - python38-mistune - - python38-mitmproxy-wireguard - - python38-mobi - - python38-mock-open - - python38-mockito - - python38-mongoengine - - python38-monotonic - - python38-mpi4py - - python38-mpi4py-devel - - python38-mpmath - - python38-msgpack - - python38-mss - - python38-mujson - - python38-mulpyplexer - - python38-multi_key_dict - - python38-multivolumefile - - python38-munkres - - python38-musicbrainzngs - python38-mypy - - python38-mysqlclient - - python38-ndjson - - python38-nest-asyncio - python38-net-snmp - - python38-netifaces - - python38-netutils - python38-nilearn - - python38-nine - - python38-node-semver - - python38-nss - python38-ntlm-auth - - python38-ntplib - - python38-num2words - - python38-numericalunits - - python38-numpy-gnu-hpc - - python38-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel - - python38-numpy_1_24_2-gnu-hpc - - python38-numpy_1_24_2-gnu-hpc-devel - python38-oct2py - - python38-opcodes - - python38-opencensus-context - - python38-opengl - - python38-opengl-accelerate - - python38-opentracing - - python38-orangebox - - python38-ordered-namespace - - python38-ordered-set - - python38-orjson - - python38-oscrypto - - python38-ospd-openvas - - python38-padaos - - python38-paho-mqtt - - python38-palettable - - python38-pamela - - python38-pamqp - - python38-pan-python - - python38-pandocfilters - - python38-parallax - - python38-param - - python38-parse - - python38-parsedatetime - - python38-parso - - python38-parsy - - python38-partd - - python38-parted - - python38-parver - - python38-passlib - - python38-pastel - - python38-patatt - - python38-pathable - - python38-pathtools - - python38-patiencediff - - python38-pbkdf2 - - python38-pdfrw - - python38-pdm-pep517 - - python38-peewee - - python38-pegen - - python38-pem - - python38-pep440 - - python38-peppercorn - - python38-perky - - python38-pgmagick - - python38-phonenumbers - - python38-phue - - python38-pick - - python38-pickleshare - - python38-pika - - python38-pika-pool - - python38-pilkit - python38-pip-licenses - - python38-pivy - - python38-pkgconfig - - python38-plaster - - python38-pluginbase - - python38-plumbum - - python38-plyvel - - python38-pmw - - python38-pname - - python38-podcastparser - - python38-polib - - python38-pony - - python38-port-for - - python38-portalocker - - python38-portpicker - - python38-power - - python38-poyo - - python38-pprintpp - - python38-pproxy - - python38-praatio - - python38-precis-i18n - - python38-precise-runner - - python38-prestring - - python38-progress - - python38-progressbar - - python38-progressbar2 - - python38-prometheus-client - - python38-proxmoxer - - python38-pscript - - python38-psychtoolbox - - python38-ptr - - python38-publicsuffix - - python38-publicsuffix2 - - python38-publicsuffixlist - - python38-pure-eval - - python38-pure-sasl - - python38-py-espeak-ng - - python38-py-multihash - - python38-py-radix - - python38-py-ubjson - - python38-py3dns - - python38-pyLibravatar - - python38-pyModis - - python38-pyOCD - - python38-pyRXP - - python38-pyaes - - python38-pyahocorasick - - python38-pyalsaaudio - - python38-pybars3 - - python38-pybcj - - python38-pybind11-stubgen - - python38-pybluez - python38-pybugz - - python38-pycapnp - - python38-pycdio - - python38-pycdlib - - python38-pychm - - python38-pyclipper - - python38-pycryptodome - - python38-pycryptodomex - - python38-pycxx - - python38-pycxx-devel - - python38-pydash - - python38-pydicom - - python38-pydicom-data - - python38-pydle - - python38-pydub - - python38-pydyf - - python38-pyee - - python38-pyelftools - - python38-pyfakefs - - python38-pyfeyn - - python38-pyfiglet - - python38-pygn - - python38-pyhcl - python38-pyheif - - python38-pyicumessageformat - - python38-pyinotify - - python38-pyinstaller-hooks-contrib - - python38-pyjavaproperties - - python38-pyjnius - - python38-pyjokes - - python38-pykerberos - - python38-pykka - - python38-pylast - - python38-pyleri - - python38-pylev - - python38-pylibacl - - python38-pylibfdt - - python38-pyliblo - - python38-pyliblo-doc - - python38-pylibmc - - python38-pylineclip - - python38-pylint-venv - - python38-pylru - - python38-pylsqpack - - python38-pylzma - - python38-pymad - python38-pymarc - python38-pymediainfo - - python38-pymemcache - - python38-pymetar - - python38-pymilter - - python38-pymongo - - python38-pymssql - - python38-pyngus - - python38-pyo - - python38-pyodbc - - python38-pyotp - - python38-pyparallel - - python38-pyperclip - - python38-pyperf - - python38-pypng - - python38-pyppmd - - python38-pyprimes - - python38-pypubsub - - python38-pyroute2 - - python38-pyscard - - python38-pysha3 - - python38-pyshp - - python38-pysmbc - - python38-pystache - - python38-pysvn - - python38-python-afl - - python38-python-args - - python38-python-barcode - - python38-python-cjson - - python38-python-crfsuite - - python38-python-daemon - python38-python-datamatrix - - python38-python-docs-theme - - python38-python-doi - - python38-python-editor - - python38-python-engineio - - python38-python-gammu - - python38-python-gflags - - python38-python-gnupg - python38-python-jenkins - - python38-python-lsp-jsonrpc - - python38-python-lzo - - python38-python-mpd2 - - python38-python-mpv - - python38-python-multipart - - python38-python-nmap - - python38-python-openid-cla - - python38-python-openid-teams - - python38-python-pam - - python38-python-poppler - - python38-python-prctl - - python38-python-pseudorandom - - python38-python-ptrace - python38-python-qpid-proton - - python38-python-rapidjson - - python38-python-rpm-spec - - python38-python-rtmidi - - python38-python-rtmidi-doc - - python38-python-snappy - - python38-python-socketio - - python38-python-socks - - python38-python-sql - - python38-python-stdnum - - python38-python-utils - - python38-python-vlc - - python38-python-yubico - - python38-pythondialog - - python38-pythonwhois - - python38-pytidylib - - python38-pytils - - python38-pytimeparse - - python38-pytlv - - python38-pytoml - - python38-pytricia - - python38-pytzdata - - python38-pyuca - - python38-pyupgrade - - python38-pyusb - - python38-pyuv - - python38-pyux - - python38-pyvdr - - python38-pyviz-comms - - python38-pywal - - python38-pywayland - - python38-pywlroots - - python38-pyxattr - - python38-pyzstd - - python38-q - - python38-queuelib - - python38-quicktions - - python38-railroad-diagrams - - python38-random2 - - python38-rapidfuzz - - python38-rarfile - - python38-rarfile-doc - - python38-rawkit - - python38-rcssmin - - python38-rebulk - - python38-recordclass - - python38-reedsolo - - python38-rencode - - python38-repoze.lru - - python38-requestbuilder - - python38-requestsexceptions - - python38-requirements-parser - - python38-resolvelib - - python38-respx - - python38-retry_decorator - - python38-rfc6555 - - python38-rjsmin - - python38-roman - - python38-rpds-py - - python38-rpmfile - - python38-rpyc - - python38-ruamel.base - - python38-ruamel.std.pathlib - - python38-ruamel.yaml - - python38-ruamel.yaml.clib - - python38-ruffus - - python38-runthis-sphinxext - - python38-safe-netrc - python38-sambacc - - python38-sane - python38-sanlock - - python38-sarge - - python38-schedule - - python38-schema - python38-scikit-build-core - python38-scikit-build-core-pyproject - - python38-scipy-gnu-hpc - - python38-scipy_1_10_1-gnu-hpc - - python38-screeninfo - - python38-scripttest - - python38-scrypt - - python38-scspell3k - - python38-sdnotify - - python38-securesystemslib - - python38-semver - - python38-serpent - - python38-setproctitle - - python38-setuptools-wheel - - python38-sgmllib3k - - python38-sh - - python38-shaptools - - python38-shellingham - - python38-shortuuid - - python38-sievelib - - python38-simpleaudio - - python38-simplebayes - - python38-simpleeval - - python38-simplegeneric - - python38-simplekml - - python38-sip4 - - python38-sip4-devel - - python38-siphashc - - python38-skyfield - - python38-slack-sdk - - python38-socketpool - - python38-soupsieve - - python38-sox - - python38-spake2 - - python38-speaklater - - python38-sphinx-argparse - - python38-sphinx_mdinclude - - python38-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc - - python38-sphinxext-opengraph - - python38-spidev - - python38-sqlglot - - python38-sqlite-fts4 - - python38-sqlitedict - - python38-srcinfo - - python38-statsd - - - - python38-stomper - - python38-straight-plugin - - python38-structlog - - python38-subprocess-tee - - python38-subscene-api - - python38-subst - - python38-suds - - python38-surer - - python38-svneverever - - python38-systemd - - python38-tbb - - python38-tcolorpy - - python38-template-remover - - python38-tenacity - - python38-term-background - - python38-termcolor - - python38-termstyle - - python38-tesserocr - python38-testsuite - - python38-text-unidecode - - python38-textdistance - - python38-texttable - - python38-textwrap3 - - python38-thespian - python38-thewalrus - - python38-three-merge - python38-threevis - python38-time-machine - - python38-time-travel - - python38-timeout-decorator - - python38-tinydb - - python38-tinyrecord - python38-tk - - python38-tokenize-rt - python38-tools - - python38-toolz - - python38-toposort - - python38-tpfd - - python38-traitlets - - python38-traits - - python38-traittypes - - python38-translationstring - - python38-translitcodec - - python38-tri.declarative - - python38-tri.struct - - python38-trove-classifiers - - python38-tsk - - python38-ttp - - python38-ttp-templates - - python38-twitter.common.finagle-thrift - - python38-twitter.common.lang - - python38-twitter.common.rpc - - python38-txWS - - python38-txaio - - python38-typed-ast - - python38-typedload - - python38-typeguard - - python38-ua-parser - - python38-uc-micro-py - - python38-uhashring - - python38-ujson - - python38-unicodecsv - - python38-unicodedata2 - - python38-unidiff - - python38-uniseg - - python38-unittest-xml-reporting - - python38-unittest2pytest - - python38-unpaddedbase64 - - python38-unsync - - python38-untokenize - - python38-uritemplate - - python38-uritools - - python38-urwid - - python38-usbsdmux - - python38-usfm2osis - - python38-uwsgi-python3 - - python38-validate-pyproject - - python38-validate_email - - python38-varint - - python38-vcversioner - - python38-venusian - - python38-venusian-doc - - python38-verboselogs - - python38-versioneer - - python38-versiontag - - python38-vine - - python38-virtkey - - python38-visitor - - python38-volatile - python38-volatility3 - - python38-voluptuous - - python38-voluptuous-serialize - - python38-w3lib - - python38-wadllib - - python38-waitress - - python38-waitress-doc - - python38-wakeonlan - - python38-wcmatch - - python38-web_cache - - python38-weblate-language-data - - python38-webruntime - - python38-websocket-client - - python38-websockets - - python38-wfuzz - - python38-whatever - - python38-whatthepatch - - python38-wheezy.template - - python38-whichcraft - - python38-whitenoise - - python38-wmctrl - - python38-ws4py - - python38-wsaccel - - python38-wurlitzer - - python38-xapian - - python38-xdg - - python38-xerox - - python38-xkbcommon - - python38-xkbgroup - - python38-xkcdpass - - python38-xlrd - - python38-xlwt - - python38-xmltodict - python38-xrootd - - python38-xvfbwrapper - - python38-xxhash - - python38-xyzservices - - python38-y-py - - python38-yamale - - python38-yara - - python38-yaspin - - python38-yaswfp - - python38-youtube-dl - - python38-ypy-websocket - - python38-yt - - python38-zc.customdoctests - - python38-zc.lockfile - - python38-zhon - - python38-zict - - python38-zipstream - - python38-zodbpickle - - python38-zope.cachedescriptors - - python38-zope.deprecation - - python38-zope.testing - - python38-zopfli - - python38-zstd - - python38-zxcvbn - - python38-zypp-plugin - python39 - python39-32bit - python39-APScheduler @@ -46711,6 +45680,7 @@ unsorted: - xf86-video-amdgpu - xf86-video-fbturbo - xf86-video-fbturbo-live + - xf86-video-intel-32bit - xf86-video-openchrome - xf86dga - xfburn