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Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09
<package name="2ping" project="openSUSE:Factory">
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09
2ping is a bi-directional ping utility. It uses 3-way pings (akin to TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) and after-the-fact state comparison between a 2ping listener and a 2ping client to determine which direction packet loss occurs.
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09
  <devel project="network:utilities" package="2ping"/>
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 41fe09