------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 12 11:47:29 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba - Upgrade to version 2.8.5 * Changes of 2.8.5 + backport: clear inflight DNS requests on failure to allow retries (#32110) + fix: DownSelfQuarantinedByRemote should not be triggered by harmless quarantine, #31095 (backport) * Changes of 2.8.4 + feat: event writer + fix: discard ReceiveTimeout when timeout message is null + Add javadsl for Effect.delete() in durable state #32027 + perf: streamline recursion in mapAsyncPartitioned #32031 + Add short-circuit support in retry pattern #32035 + test: harden PersistentActorRecoveryTimeoutSpec, #31624 * Changes of 2.8.3 + Update Scala to 2.12.18 & 2.13.11 + feat: Include exception type in StatusReply toString when not text + str Add Flow contramap + fix: Better exception string in StatusReply + fix: AllocationStrategy in ShardedDaemonProcess + feat: Collocating shards with consistent hashing + perf: Scalable slice queries for many consumers + fix: Try to limit spin loop in TLSActor #29922 + test: harden EventsBySliceFirehoseSpec, #31979 + feat: Placeholder event representation for filtered journal events + feat: Query traits for using snapshots as starting point * Changes of 2.8.2 + feat: Make it possible to define appVersion later + feat: More Serializer constructor alternatives * Changes of 2.8.1 + feat: Make it possible to include tags in event envelope + feat: Typed envelope version of the eventsByPersistenceId queries + feat: Tagger that can look at state for event sourced behaviour + str Add onErrorComplete operator + fix: starting Sharding with separate Coordinator role, #31637 + fix: Eager init of DistributedData extension from ExternalShardAllocationStrategy + fix: Refactor concurrency in AsyncDnsResolver + Various and sundry async-dns improvements + str Add startAfterNrOfConsumers to BroadcastHub + str Implement Source.never as a dedicated GraphStage * New features of 2.8.0 + Expiry of CRDT entries, #27683 + Wildcard subscription of ddata changes + Add color to LogCapturing #31689 + feat: Throttle keep alive messages of ShardedDaemonProcess + feat: API for dynamic scaling of Sharded daemon process instances + feat: More fine grained control of stream error logging + mapAsyncPartitioned stream operator + Auto-select SRV lookup for the name lookup if entry looks like a srv name - Removed patches: * akka-2.3.0-typesafe-config-1.3.0.patch * akka-2.3.16-typesafe-config-1.4.1.patch + not needed with this version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 30 16:08:34 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba - Build against io.netty:netty, since the compat versions do not exist any more ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 29 14:39:47 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba - Use %%mvn_artifact and %%mvn_install instead of %%add_maven_depmap * Allow resolution against netty3 that uses compatibility versions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 28 07:27:39 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller - use https url ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 21 14:37:53 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba - Build with java source and target levels 8 - Removed patch: * akka-2.3.0-encoding.patch + the change is directly integrated in the akka-build.xml file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 20 07:44:10 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba - Added patch: * akka-2.3.16-typesafe-config-1.4.1.patch + conditionlally applied patch to enable build against typesafe-config >= 1.4.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 19 14:18:00 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba - Added patch: * akka-2.3.0-typesafe-config-1.3.0.patch + conditionally applied patch to be able to build against typesafe-config >= 1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 9 09:03:21 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba - Don't build against eclipse-osgi, but again osgi-core and osgi-compendium packages in order to prevent a fat dependency for a feature that is well served by lighter packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 4 09:43:58 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba - Initial packaging of akka 2.3.16