98aebd Update bash to version 5.2.MACRO / rev 188 via SR 1126551

7 files Authored by WernerFink 6 months ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 6 months ago,
    Update bash to version 5.2.MACRO / rev 188 via SR 1126551
    by user WernerFink + anag+factory
    - Declare token YYEOF to be able to support older bison versions
      as well
    - Be sure to have a usable bison installed at build time
    - Add upstream patches
      * bash52-021
        There is an off-by-one error that causes command substitutions to fail when
        they appear in a word expansion inside a here-document.
      * bash52-020
        The parser did not allow `time' to appear as the first reserved word in a
        command substitution.
      * bash52-019
        There are some cases where the shell reaped a background (asynchronous) job
        and would incorrectly try to set the terminal's process group back to the
        shell's. In these cases it never set the terminal process group to that
        jobs's process group initially, so resetting it is incorrect.
      * bash52-018
        There are two problems with return
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+0 -0
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+37 -0
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+1 -1
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+1 -1
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+14 -3
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+46 -0
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+25 -21