0331df Update czmq to version 4.2.1 / rev 10 via SR 881708

6 files Authored by msmeissn 3 years ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 3 years ago,
    Update czmq to version 4.2.1 / rev 10 via SR 881708
    by user msmeissn + RBrownSUSE
    - update to 4.2.1:
      * New DRAFT zsock API to match libzmq's 4.3.4 socket options:
        - zsock_set_xpub_manual_last_value
        - zsock_socks_username, zsock_set_socks_username
        - zsock_socks_password, zsock_set_socks_password
        - zsock_in_batch_size, zsock_set_in_batch_size
        - zsock_out_batch_size, zsock_set_out_batch_size
        - zsock_set_wss_key_pem, zsock_set_wss_cert_pem, zsock_set_wss_trust_pem,
          zsock_set_wss_hostname, zsock_set_wss_trust_system
        - zsock_set_only_first_subscribe
        - zsock_hello_msg, zsock_set_hello_msg
        - zsock_disconnect_msg, zsock_set_disconnect_msg
        - zsock_priority, zsock_set_priority
        - zsock_reconnect_stop, zsock_set_reconnect_stop
        See zsock manpage for more details.
      * New DRAFT zframe and zmsg API to print arbitrary length message
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