c560a5 Update deno to version 1.41.2 / rev 41 via SR 1156640

9 files Authored by avindra 2 months ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2 months ago,
    Update deno to version 1.41.2 / rev 41 via SR 1156640
    by user avindra + anag+factory
    - update to 1.41.2:
      * feat(lsp): include registry url in jsr import hover text (#22676)
      * feat(node/util): styleText (#22758)
      * feat(publish): add npm: suggestion for esm.sh specifiers (#22343)
      * feat(unstable/pm): support npm packages in 'deno add' (#22715)
      * feat(unstable/pm): support version contraints in 'deno add' (#22646)
      * fix(ext/node): ref/unref on workers (#22778)
      * fix(cli): force flush output after test unloads (#22660)
      * fix(cli): improve logging on failed named pipe (#22726)
      * fix(cli): limit test parallelism on Windows to avoid pipe error (#22776)
      * fix(cli): remove possible deadlock in test channel (#22662)
      * fix(ext/node): add default methods to fs.StatsBase (#22750)
      * fix(ext/node): http2.createServer (#22708)
      * fix(ext/node): strip --enable-sourc
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+52 -0
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+1 -1