0557e0 Update earlyoom to version 1.8 / rev 16 via SR 1167929

7 files Authored by 13ilya 2 weeks ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2 weeks ago,
    Update earlyoom to version 1.8 / rev 16 via SR 1167929
    by user 13ilya + anag+factory
    - Updated to 1.8
      * Changed file earlyoom.1 (MANPAGE.md -s -t man > earlyoom.1).
      * https://github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom#changelog
      * Introduce user mem total / meminfo_t.UserMemTotal and
        calculate MemAvailablePercent.
      * Added NO_COLOR support.
      * Fixed handling of processes with a zombie main thread.
      * Added --sort-by-rss. This will select a process to kill acc
        to the largest RSS instead of largest oom_score.
file modified
+0 -0
file modified
+16 -0
file removed
file added
file modified
+137 -126
file modified
+14 -1
file modified
+4 -5