cc824d Update libyuv to version 20230517+a377993 / rev 6 via SR 1088432

17 files Authored by gmbr3 a year ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann a year ago,
    Update libyuv to version 20230517+a377993 / rev 6 via SR 1088432
    by user gmbr3 + dimstar_suse
    - Trim redundancies and compact descriptions.
    - Update to snapshot 20230517+a377993:
      * ARGBToI420Alpha function to convert ARGB to I420 with Alpha
      * Enable I{422,444}AlphaToARGBRow_RVV & ARGBAttentuateRow_RVV
      * Bump version and apply clang format
      * Enable ARGBToYMatrixRow_RVV/RGBAToYMatrixRow_RVV/RGBToYMatrixRow_RVV
      * Enable RVV if qemu is detected
      * YUY2ToNV12 using YUY2ToY and YUY2ToNVUV
      * Remove old cipd clobber gclient hook.
      * Roll chromium_revision 004bde16df..28dca358ed (1051775:1052960)
      * Roll chromium_revision 7d683aeda8..004bde16df (1050091:1051775)
      * [code-health] Migrate presubmit to python3
      * Enable unlimited data for YUV to RGB
      * Roll chromium_revision 829c6df33d..7d683aeda8 (945687:1050098
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