------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 10 16:45:20 UTC 2024 - Johannes Kastl - update to 24.2.1: Bugfixes * Molecule uses ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS (#4135 ) * Set ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR sooner to fix missing color output in tmux (#4145 ) * Fix symlinks creation in ansible provisioneer (#4134 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 21 19:49:03 UTC 2024 - Johannes Kastl - ignore 5 tests that started to fail ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 8 18:00:55 UTC 2024 - Johannes Kastl - update to 24.2.0 (new naming scheme upstream): * Major Changes - Set Python 3.10 as minimum version (#4099) @cristianonicolai * Minor Changes - Adding molecule template based on driver.name (#4126) @mrbrandao * Bugfixes - Fix background color on matrix command (#4133) @ssbarnea - Fix python interpreter for scenario init (#4111) @dobbi84 - Drivers command now display more information (#4112) @ssbarnea - Fix indents in Getting Started example playbook (#4104) @akira6592 - Restructure documentation (#4102) @ssbarnea ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 13 14:40:56 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - update to 6.0.3: * Bugfixes - Change molecule_inventory in podman example to remove ansible warning (#4086) @buckaroogeek - Update collection structure image in the docs (#4098) @ajinkyau - Enable ansible-lint (#4069) @ssbarnea - Correct git-archival settings (#4071) @ssbarnea - Docs: highlight importance of ansible_collections at root dir (#4060) @felher - Skip create step when created == true (#4038) @mluzarreta - Address ansible-lint reported issues (#4056) @muellerbe - Add podman driver option to podman config (#4062) @brandor5 - Fix docker and podman examples to work with multiple platforms (#4068) @clickthisnick - Update docs to remove references to Docker being the default driver (#4065) @Qalthos - Fix forbidden implicit octal value (#4049) @jooola - Pin linkchecker version (#4050) @zhan9san - Update getting-started.md (#4030) @aogier - Address documentation username typo (#4031) @iamgini - remove patch 4ab4f1c7_improve_test_names.patch that was taken from upstream originally and is included in this release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 13 07:05:39 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - add patch 4ab4f1c7_improve_test_names.patch https://github.com/ansible/molecule/commit/4ab4f1c76fca978485ba63c67c944c489277aa0d to fix the pytest failures due to test names and duplicates ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 6 06:29:17 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - update to 6.0.2: * Bugfixes - Update the getting started guide (#4023) @ajinkyau - Update ansible-compat to v4.1.7 (#4022) @ajinkyau - drop Requires and BuildRequires that are no longer needed - add Requires for wcmatch >= 8.1.2 - ignore some more pytest checks that cannot be run in OBS as they required podman/docker etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 6 06:26:45 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - update to 6.0.1: * Bugfixes - Pass environment in testinfra (#4014) @zhan9san - fix: remove `role` from `init` help info (#4010) @chenrui333 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 6 06:24:50 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - update to 6.0.0: * Major Changes - Change current directory to scenario before running playbooks (#3966) @ssbarnea - Temporary disable support for external drivers (#3961) @ssbarnea - Reimplemented templating (init command) (#3959) @ssbarnea - Remove ability to configure collections-path and roles-path for dependency (#3956) @ssbarnea * Minor Changes - Allow molecule to list scenarios present under molecule directory within a collection (#3989) @ajinkyau - Avoid skipping create and destroy steps on delegated (#3949) @ssbarnea * Bugfixes - Ignore scenarios in virtual envrionments (#3996) @ajinkyau - Scaffold future docs structure (#3997) @cidrblock - Update documentation (#3985) @ajinkyau - Add example of integration with kubevirt (#3972) @jangel97 - Make pytest-testinfra as an optional dependency (#3982) @ajinkyau - Dependency installation directory is changed (#3980) @zhan9san - Avoid reinstalling dependencies (#3979) @zhan9san - Remove constraints requirement files (#3981) @zhan9san - Add example of using docker collection using default driver (#3978) @zhan9san - Update documentation (#3975) @ajinkyau - Fix connection plugin name setting (#3957) @apatard - Disable isolation from ansible-compat Runtime (#3962) @ssbarnea - Add example of using podman collection using default driver (#3947) @ssbarnea - Improve how executed commands are logged (#3948) @ssbarnea - Make driver optional in molecule.yml file (#3946) @ssbarnea ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 26 05:10:13 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - remove fix_ansible_compat.patch that is no longer needed - update to 5.1.0: * Minor Changes - Ensure external drivers are installed (#3901) @apatard - Update dependency doc (#3916) @zhan9san - Improve documentation for upgrade scenario (#3899) @fauust * Bugfixes - Fix documentation links (#3940) @ssbarnea - Fix quoted strings templating (#3911) @samiam - Adds Support for Shell Type Instance Param to Delegated Driver (#3932) @zollo - Fix dead link in documentation (#3923) @rtakasuke - Use backwards incompatible change from ansible-compat 4.0.1 (#3904) @asmacdo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 22 13:30:53 UTC 2023 - Lukas Müller - Add fix_ansible_compat.patch from upstream pull request to fix compatibility with python-ansible-compat v4. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 16 09:18:43 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - modify %if-condition to allow building for python3.10 or python3.11 on SLES15 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 10 07:23:47 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - update to 5.0.1: * Bugfixes - Avoid using incompatible ansible-compat version (#3906) @ssbarnea - Fix tree example in use case document (#3894) @akira6592 - Use api to get driver schema file (#3898) @apatard - Add subprocess-run-check (#3896) @Ruchip16 - Add unidiomatic-typecheck check (#3893) @Ruchip16 - Add unnecessary-lambda check (#3892) @Ruchip16 - Address ruff S, EXE skips (#3889) @ssbarnea - More ruff fixes (#3887) @ssbarnea - Fix colors when displaying plugin versions (#3886) @ssbarnea - Add raise-missing-from rule (#3885) @Ruchip16 - Add no-else-return, no-else-raise & logging-not-lazy check (#3884) @Ruchip16 - Add implicit-str-concat & inconsistent-return-statements check (#3882) @Ruchip16 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 10 06:49:25 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - update to 5.0.0: * Major Changes - Remove lint command (#3802) @ssbarnea * Minor Changes - Add tags document (#3866) @zhan9san - Replace sphinx documentation with mkdocs (#3811) @ssbarnea - Require ansible-core>=2.12.10 (#3799) @ssbarnea - Remove support for python3.8 (#3770) @ssbarnea - Adopt PEP-621 for packaging (#3767) @ssbarnea * Bugfixes - Refactor dependency locks (#3879) @ssbarnea - Add consider-using-in check (#3880) @Ruchip16 - Extend schema validation (#3765) @zhan9san - fix link to monorepo under faq (#3863) @ahmedwonolo - Fix documentation (#3833) @ziegenberg - Documentation: Improve group names (#3812) @ltog - Better indentation in verify template (#3816) @muellerbe - Replace sphinx documentation with mkdocs (#3811) @ssbarnea - Remove embedded dockerfile (#3824) @ssbarnea - Upgrade linters (#3813) - Add support for custom driver name (#3795) @gciavarrini - Document molecule-plugins package (#3805) @ssbarnea - Update test dependencies (#3800) @ssbarnea - Fix rpm building (#3798) @ssbarnea - Reorder heading and reformat badges (#3778) @mamercad - Fixed typo in docs/ci.rst (#3796) @mitchellroe - Bump test dependencies (#3797) @ssbarnea * Deprecations - Remove lint command (#3802) @ssbarnea - drop patch skip-broken-test.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 8 13:47:59 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl - add macro definitions to allow building for SLES15 with python3.11 instead of python3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 29 15:48:17 UTC 2023 - Lukas Müller - Disable deprecation warnings and tests requiring internet connection. - Update to version 4.0.4. Changelog: https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/releases/tag/v4.0.4 * Allow side_effect and verify to have parameters (#3730) @ehartmann * Fix running tox:dockerfile with docker secretservice enabled (#3764) @zeitounator * Add some FQCNs (#3750) @muellerbe * Accept any string for "network_mode" in molecule.json schema (#3725) @fredflev * Fix moved libera channel (#3727) @staticdev * Add "default" as a valid docker "network_mode" in molecule.json schema (#3724) @fredflev * JSON Schema: Allow additionalProperties in ProvisionerConfigOptionsSshConnectionModel (#3721) @fredflev * Help messages when config does not match state file (#3713) @scottalreadytaken * Re-add credentials to Docker registry schema (#3706) @TheLastProject Changes from version 4.0.3: Changelog: https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/releases/tag/v4.0.3 * Add support for cgroupns_mode (#3700) @zhan9san * Platform env expects a dict of vars (#3690) @zeitounator * Support ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH environment var (#3681) @nre-ableton * Fix schema (#3687) @jsf9k * Bump ansible-compat from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (#3670) Changes from version 4.0.2: Changelog: https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/releases/tag/v4.0.2 * Use FQCN at any point I found (#3680) @muellerbe * Schema fix (#3671) @apatard * Adopt molecule config JSON schema (#3668) @ssbarnea * Replace cerberus with jsonschema for configuration validation (#3638) @zhan9san * Downgrade log level when linking Ansible variables (#3646) @sleiner Changes from version 4.0.1: Changelog: https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/releases/tag/v4.0.1 * Add support for Python 3.11 (#3621) @ssbarnea * Added clarifications about customizing docker images (#3604) @timblaktu * Fix undocumented env vars (#3600) @gardar * Document description for action arguments (verify and side_effect) (#3605) @amarao Changes from version 4.0.0: Full Changelog: https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/releases/tag/v4.0.0 * Removed mol command line alias (#3457) @ssbarnea * Remove ansible and ansible-base extras (#3395) @ssbarnea * Remove support for py36 and py37 (#3436) @ssbarnea * Allow bypassing role name checking (#3549) @zhan9san * Add support for MOLECULE_PLATFORM_NAME (#3416) @zhan9san * Add args for verify and side_effect actions (#3467) @amarao * Enable packit rpm building for Fedora 35 (#3456) @ssbarnea * Remove ansible and ansible-base extras (#3395) @ssbarnea ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 26 21:44:46 UTC 2022 - Lukas Müller - Disable tests on Leap. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 20 16:27:59 UTC 2022 - Lukas Müller - Add patch to skip a broken test in TW with Python 3.10. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 28 16:06:03 UTC 2022 - Lukas Müller - Create initial package.