354609 Update nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed to version 545.29.06 / rev 30 via SR 1149574

5 files Authored by sndirsch 3 months ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 3 months ago,
    Update nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed to version 545.29.06 / rev 30 via SR 1149574
    by user sndirsch + anag+factory
    - remove conflicts to nvidia-open-driver-G06-kmp, since it's now
      provided instead (OMG!); add obsoletes to it as well to make
      sure it gets replaced (bsc#1220196)
    - Use %autosetup macro. Allows to eliminate the usage of deprecated
file modified
+0 -0
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+13 -0
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+2 -1