d7ea0b Update python-agate to version 1.10.2 / rev 17 via SR 1171534

6 files Authored by dirkmueller 2 weeks ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2 weeks ago,
    Update python-agate to version 1.10.2 / rev 17 via SR 1171534
    by user dirkmueller + anag+factory
    - update to 1.10.2:
      * fix: Version 1.10.0 errors on piped data.
      * fix: :meth:`.Number.csvify` returns a Decimal (or None),
        instead of str. :meth:`.Table.to_csv` with
        quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC now works.
      * feat: :meth:`.Table.from_csv` reads the file line by line. If
        sniff_limit=None, it reads the file into memory once, instead
        of twice. If column_types is a :class:`.TypeTester`, it reads
        the file into memory. (#778)
      * fix: Fix :meth:`.TableSet.print_structure` for nested
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