dfd1081b1157227ce82472312ad2948c 1.3.1 dimstar_suse just a nice-to-have 851908 7f78cf891415acae496b8cb03dfc6ba5 2.0.1 dimstar_suse - Fix typo in Requires (closing curly bracket in Requires: python-typing_extensions}). - Add 0002-skip-acl-tests-on-old-servers.patch to skip some tests that fail on servers prior to Redis 6.2.0 - Update to version 2.0.1 * Features + Synchronized reading the responses from a connection (see #1106) * Fixes + Remove del from Redis (Fixes #1115) (see #1227) + Fix socket.error raises (see #1129) + Fix buffer is closed error when using PythonParser class (see #1213) - Changes from version 2.0.0 * Features + Port redis-py's client implementation to aioredis. (see #891) + Make hiredis an optional dependency. (see #917) - Remove obsolete patches * aioredis-1.3.1-fix-tests-on-python38.patch * aioredis-1.3.1-fix-tests-on-python38-part2.patch - Add 0001-fix-geopos-test.patch to fix floatin point comparison in geopos test 950057 da7e220fddbea65f45b2fc9640a6cde8 2.0.1 dimstar_suse 975371