c3612c5f94b14780107dc6b3fdf97e8c 0.0.5 dimstar_suse dep of starlette, which is a test dep of Authlib, which is already in d-l-py without test being run, Authlib was introduced in https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/825427 , which said "tox based tests, require internet connection to run" but of course that is not true, it just depends on a long chain of missing dependencies that are present in Fedora already. https://repology.org/project/python:starlette/versions Also a dep of fastapi (https://repology.org/project/python:fastapi/versions) and other modern web aio frameworks 851902 097254f8fad37e19454b62defa7f766c 0.0.5 dimstar_suse - Add patch support-pyyaml-6.patch: * Support PyYAML 6.0+ 951464 0494e7686b3682c595c2c36a0e1c9f06 0.0.5 dimstar_suse 967920 94f2b0c89e46b16a397fc3b37c5f38e8 0.0.5 dimstar_suse 1042468