db091e Update python-scikit-umfpack to version 0.4.1 / rev 8 via SR 1144811

8 files Authored by dgarcia 3 months ago, Committed by Bernhard M. Wiedemann 3 months ago,
    Update python-scikit-umfpack to version 0.4.1 / rev 8 via SR 1144811
    by user dgarcia + anag+factory
    - drop do-not-use-numpy-decorators.patch
    - drop numpy125.patch
    - Update to 0.4.1
      * BLD: fix building with Clang, avoid using GCC-specific -print-sysroot
      * BLD: try to locate OpenBLAS with pkg-config first
      * BLD: add support for using a native file to set library/include dirs
      * DOC: update and extend the install instructions
      * MAINT: include particular headers only for version < 6
    - 0.4.0
      * Allow reuse of symbolic factorization
      * do not use deprecated pkg_resources
      * fix deprecation warning
      * do not use NumPy decorators
      * do not use nose-compat NumPy functions
      * BLD: fix the build, remove `stdint.h` and suppress warnings
      * TST: fix issues in test suite
      * BLD: fix building in conda envs
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