# # spec file for package tiro-indigo-fonts # # Copyright (c) 2022 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/ # Name: tiro-indigo-fonts Version: 1.52 Release: 0 Summary: Tiro Fonts for some of the major Indian writing systems License: OFL-1.1 Group: System/X11/Fonts URL: https://github.com/TiroTypeworks/Indigo Source0: Indigo-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: fontpackages-devel Requires: tiro-bangla-fonts Requires: tiro-devahindi-fonts Requires: tiro-devamarathi-fonts Requires: tiro-devasanskrit-fonts Requires: tiro-gurmukhi-fonts Requires: tiro-kannada-fonts Requires: tiro-tamil-fonts Requires: tiro-telugu-fonts BuildArch: noarch %description This packages contains all of the Tiro Indigo Fonts which have their origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-bangla-fonts Summary: Tiro Bangla Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-bangla-fonts Tiro Bangla has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-devahindi-fonts Summary: Tiro Devanagari Hindi Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-devahindi-fonts Tiro Devanagari Hindi has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-devamarathi-fonts Summary: Tiro Devanagari Marathi Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-devamarathi-fonts Tiro Devanagari Marathi has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-devasanskrit-fonts Summary: Tiro Devanagari Sanskrit Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-devasanskrit-fonts Tiro Devanagari Sanskrit has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-gurmukhi-fonts Summary: Tiro Gurmukhi Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-gurmukhi-fonts Tiro Gurmukhi has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-kannada-fonts Summary: Tiro Kannada Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-kannada-fonts Tiro Kannada has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-tamil-fonts Summary: Tiro Tamil Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-tamil-fonts Tiro Tamil has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %package -n tiro-telugu-fonts Summary: Tiro Telugu Fonts Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n tiro-telugu-fonts Tiro Telugu has its origins in a typeface designed for the Murty Classical Library of India book series, so is especially suited to traditional literary publishing but also made with the needs of today’s multiple print and screen media in mind. %prep %autosetup -n Indigo-%{version} %build %install install -Dm 644 -t %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir} fonts/*/OTF/*.otf %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-bangla-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-devahindi-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-devamarathi-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-devasanskrit-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-gurmukhi-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-kannada-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-tamil-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n tiro-telugu-fonts %files %files -n tiro-bangla-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroBangla-*.otf %files -n tiro-devahindi-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroDevaHindi-*.otf %files -n tiro-devamarathi-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroDevaMarathi-*.otf %files -n tiro-devasanskrit-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroDevaSanskrit-*.otf %files -n tiro-gurmukhi-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroGurmukhi-*.otf %files -n tiro-kannada-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroKannada-*.otf %files -n tiro-tamil-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroTamil-*.otf %files -n tiro-telugu-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license fonts/OFL.txt %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/TiroTelugu-*.otf %changelog