caef94318ede5fcd3e69def7fba1387f 0.30.0 RBrownFactory I want to maintain zellij in openSUSE:Factory 991453 2e2f4d3804d905ad3220d3b6744de4e5 0.31.0 dimstar_suse 992545 21997a6a62a89c7e63610ea002ca441c 0.31.3 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 999520 2896f167770fb51b89970ec6ff476d4b 0.31.3 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1001029 c5ff57b79f73684b024ec0c95ff16dde 0.31.4 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1007511 7d3ac0af0430a8c44f706e30ae51837f 0.31.4 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1030484 eff8485a7d36f1dbc669465115c25da9 0.32.0 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1034320 669df665f7da7a5dfd23bd11a9ff0918 0.33.0 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1037802 e5edb8866ec545a0bb84d13bbfc340bb 0.34.4 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1045158 11770ff2f9c9ff23e6f304d89f3a8c45 0.35.1 dimstar_suse - Fix vendored dependencies. - Fix specfile. Duplicated BuildRequires section for rust+cargo - Update to version 0.35.1: * fix(panes): show visual error when unable to split panes vertically/horizontally * WIP: Use xtask as build system * fix(panes): show visual error when failing to resize panes * chore(repo): remove nix support * Floating panes in layouts * add tmux close pane key * fix: properly end selection with copy_on_select = false * fix 3 bugs * Errors: less unwrap in server * Support UTF-8 character in tab name and pane name * errors: handle missing plugin caches * Improve client disconnect handling * feat: add ScrollToTop action by * Fix status bar not displaying w/ size=1 and show shortcuts * Add GoToTabName action to switch tab by name * Use singlepass in debug mode by * cleanups around "buffer full" error * Make the singlepass compiler opt-in through flags by * Add pencil theme * Apply correct color on 'more tabs' message * feat: add args to new-tab action * update termwiz to v0.20.0 * feat(ui): swap layouts and stacked panes * fix(ux): cache stdin queries on startup (remove startup delay) * Project Governance Change * Add Helix editor (hx) to editors that support prefix positions * Extend display char in tab * Fix fullscreen navigation by * fix(grid): glitchy resizes * Update template with OSX log directory * fix(layout): various parser and ui fixes * fix(messaging): cache hold pane messages by their tab_id if the tab is not ready * fix(layout): tab focus * fix(cli): new-tab now also looks in layout_dir for layouts * fix(kdl): new-tab keybind looks in layout_dir for layouts * fix(cli): edit cwd * fix(layouts): do not relayout twice on auto_layout * fix(new-tab): get config parameters from config file * fix(grid): only use background pending styling when deleting characters * feat(layouts): exact panes constraint * fix(pty): report no-cwd for empty path returned from sysinfo * fix(sixel): report pixel size in winsize change ioctl * Fix plugin location path decoding from Url * Add action QueryTabNames to list all tab names * fix(pty): do not crash when unable to set cwd * fix(layouts): naming and gototabname * fix(cli): make auto_layout work through the cli * feat: add self-provided themes * Feature: simulate publishing * Revert theme pr 1070835 43bd83e436405b12271fcba6b2e05819 0.35.2 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1076785 5db14086d125a1bc932202548e1ae7d3 0.36.0 dimstar_suse Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1085500 74d84dcd9b2150d16315c1df22c02630 0.37.2 dimstar_suse - Update to version 0.37.2: * hotfix: include theme files into binary * fix: make plugin hide_self api idempotent - Changes from 0.37.1: * hotfix: theme options does not work * fix: various plugin api methods - Changes from major release 0.37.0: * fix(plugin): respect hide session option on compact-bar * feat: allow excluding tabs from tab sync in layouts * feat: support default cwd * feat: cli action to reload plugins at runtime for easier plugin development * docs(architecture): update architecture docs * feat(themes): add nightfox themes * feat: provide default themes * feat: update and render plugins asynchronously * fix: support environment variables and shell expansions in layout cwds * fix: add file paths to file not found errors * fix: error loading non-existant themes directory * build: speed up build and ci * fix: sticky bit FreeBSD crash * build: Bump rust toolchain version to 1.67 * fix: update config file output * feat: plugin workers for background tasks * fix: cwd of newtab action * feat: plugin system overhaul * feat: add virtually all of Zellij's API to plugins * fix: runtime panic because of local cache * fix: cursor flickering * fix: focus tab as well as pane when relaunching plugin * feat: ui improvements for strider search * fix: only watch fs if plugins explicitly request it * fix: suppress debug logging when not debugging * feat: send pane events to plugins * fix: use debounced watcher for watching filesystem * feat: add more plugin api methods 1094350 29523d34a9dae1a70092157f6a518a81 0.37.2 anag+factory Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1104915 e8a05192967ffb8f2fb13a4e36af9c50 0.38.1 anag+factory - Add session-manager and fixture-tests plugins. - Update to version 0.38.1: * refactor(server): remove unnecessary mut * fix(status-bar): add break tab hints * fix(reconnect): glitches on windows terminal * fix(grid): memory leak with unfocused tabs * fix(input): enforce ordering of actions after opening a new pane - Remove zellij-fix-theme-dir.patch 1110146 970adf5c0a7bd198ba5fafba5e3f4b51 0.38.2 anag+factory - Update to version 0.38.2: * fix(terminal): wrap lines when adding characters in alternate screen 1113179 4b2e0cedaf6ca27355636557fd3b5dd6 0.39.1 anag+factory Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1128835 53dc3d6542b6aef6b893eeac442b377f 0.39.2 anag+factory 1138480 456869a0cab27a1e313f6bc5615b25b1 0.39.2 anag+factory Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit 1148964 2c762519c73bbbe028fc180a56b3fdc7 0.40.0 anag+factory 1169334