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# openSUSE Community Code of Conduct

The openSUSE Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines that explains how our community behaves
and what we value as members and project to others. This Code of Conduct is a living document and
will be updated when and as deemed necessary.

The Code of Conduct does not seek to restrict speech or penalize non-native speakers of English
or any other language. Instead the Code of Conduct spells out the kinds of behaviors we, as a
community, find to be acceptable and unacceptable.

The Code of Conduct is, in many ways, the outward embodiment of the components of openSUSE.
It is important to assume good faith and remember that many of our contributors may have
different backgrounds which could color their approach in all things.

## Our Standards

The openSUSE community is dedicated to providing a positive experience for everyone, regardless
of such attributes (including, but not limited to):

* age
* body size
* caste
* citizenship
* disability
* education
* ethnicity
* familial status
* gender expression
* gender identity
* genetic information
* immigration status
* level of experience
* nationality
* personal appearance
* pregnancy
* race
* religion
* sex characteristics
* sexual orientation
* sexual identity
* socio-economic status
* tribe
* veteran status
* etc.

## Our Expectations

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:

* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being kind to others
* Behaving with civility
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences, and their contributions to the project as a whole
* Focusing on what is best for the community

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

* Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or exclusionary statements, even if they were meant as a joke
* Unwelcome physical contact
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
* Saying insulting/derogatory comments and making personal attacks
* Public or private harassment, including doxing
* Violent threats or language directed against another person

## Scope

This Code of Conduct applies to all openSUSE community spaces and anything using the openSUSE trademarks.
This includes, but is not limited to:

* Issue tracking systems -
* Documentation and tutorials -
* Code repositories -,, github, & gitlab
* Mailing lists -
* Wikis - All languages (example -,, etc)
* Chat and forums -, Telegram channels, openSUSE groups and channels on, Discord,,
* All event venues and associated spaces, including conferences, hackfests, release parties, workshops and other small events
* All areas related to event venues: vendor exhibit halls, staff and meal areas, connecting infrastructure like walkways, hallways, elevators, and stairs
* Sponsor events, either on-site or off-site
* Private events off-site that involve one or more attendees
* Private conversations taking place in official conference hotels

Communication channels and private conversations that are normally out of scope may be considered in scope if
an openSUSE participant is being stalked or harassed. Social media conversations may be considered in-scope if
the incident occurred under an openSUSE event hashtag, or when an official openSUSE account on social media is
tagged, or within any other discussion about openSUSE. openSUSE reserves the right to take actions against behaviors
that happen in any context, if they are deemed to be relevant to the openSUSE project and its participants.

All participants in openSUSE community spaces are subject to the Code of Conduct. This includes volunteers, maintainers,
leaders, contributors, contribution reviewers, issue reporters, openSUSE users, and anyone participating in discussions
in openSUSE community spaces. For community events, this also includes all attendees, exhibitors, vendors, speakers,
panelists, organizers, staff, and volunteers.

## Who to Approach

People who have an issue or questions about a potential Code of Conduct violation can raise it by [filing a private issue](

This applies to all circumstances. In the event that you feel that the issue is not being resolved, you can request a review from the openSUSE Board by [filing a private Board issue](
## Attribution & License

This code of conduct is derived from the Fedora Project and GNOME Project Code of Conduct documents.

* Fedora Project Code of Conduct:
* GNOME Project Code of Conduct:

This document is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License](

## Canonical version

The canonical version of this document is maintained and updated by the Moderation Team.

It can be viewed here: